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Pay Per Click Beginner's Guide

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-27 17:00

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Commonly referred to as PPC among the savy internet marketers. If you have been marketing online for any length of time you have probably seen PPC advertising budget consumed with little or no results.

You research and choose the best keywords, then burn through your daily budget for an hour without sales. The myth that mega mega traffic produces benefits is just that. A myth.

The traffic is great. Traffic has improved its position in search engines. Increase word of mouth advertising. Traffic it receives more traffic, but when you are paying a pretty penny for every click you want sales.

You may recall the lawsuit against Google. A group of companies sued Google, alleging that the company did not do enough to prevent click fraud so they lost money on PPC campaigns.

At least in my humble opinion, click fraud was not the culprit. For those who do not know click fraud is when someone ads on Google Adsense clicks on the ads of their own eyes to make money with no intention of buying the advertised product.

As I said, I think click fraud was not the culprit. Elected wrong keyword phrases. Instructions on how to choose and bid on keyword phrases are available on PPC sites so do not go into the mechanics of the tender.

The important thing is, if you chose the most popular keywords that your ad will appear in hundreds or even thousands of searches for one hour. This means you will get hundreds or even thousands of clicks per day.

Mega traffic right? For moments. If you're selling hand painted piggy banks porceliain and bid on the word "bank." Who sees your ad and possibly click on it? People searching for online banking, people looking for a rock band called "Bank", the children write a report for school bankiong industry. In other words, people who do not want what you are selling.

It will click on your ad without reading the whole thing and go "This is not what I want." and click the Back button. Remember, it will cost you money to click. It costs you nothing, so people are not careful about what you click.

Choose your words carefully. You want clicks from visitors who are looking to buy what you are selling. Meta phrase. Bid on "hand painted piggy banks porceliain" if that is what you are selling. People who are looking for general searches. People going about their searches are looking to buy.

Will you have less traffic? Yes Will you make more sales? Maybe, depending on your product, your site is easy to navigate, prices, etc, etc. ..

The point is, with PPC, looky Loos cost you money. Save the most popular keywords for their free traffic sources. PPC Target your credit card that only buyers of the hand, click on your ads.

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