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Adsense – Still A Cash Cow?

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-13 13:14

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With the advent of Google lost a lawsuit (and a shed load of money) and the ongoing problem of click fraud issue is now at the tip of the tongue of all - "Is Google Adsense is still the cash cow that was? ".

In this article I will take a look at the ways in which the average webmaster can still build a successful business and how to use Adsense witch hunt promising Google to your advantage.

There are two main problems faced by Google, which are severe and could lead to the disappearance of both Adsense and Adwords.

The first and most serious problem is the click fraud. For those of you who do not know click fraud is the act of clicking on your own (or friends) ads in an attempt to create artificial income.

This is a problem for Google, as it ensures that the value that buyers Adwords is significantly less than desired, thus ensuring that sooner or later you just get up and walk away (with the remainder of your advertising budget fasten in his hand).

To solve this problem Google has tried to implement various rules such as not allowing the webmaster to display Adsense ads on the sites of automatic navigation (to name just a restriction).

The second problem that Google faces concerning the content, in particular the amount of original content that is out there.

The problem here is that many people have purchased the item scraper software (software that points to someone elses website and just shout "Fetch!" - It then returns a collection of documents is a complete rip off site .)

This was already a problem before the arrival of Adsense sites and the continuous chain of people chasing the high value keywords has become worse, it is now possible to find a given phrase in Google and do not return anything, but duplicate content from the front pages of the results of the search engines.

To address this problem Google has been amended by the algorithm to effectively punish those with duplicate content, to the extent that an individual site is "punished" is currently a topic of debate.

So, given Google is about to launch a witch hunt looking for sites with nothing but duplicate content and people doing the click fraud what can you do?

After all so many people out there using site generation tools that Google can crawl and / or technology obfustication documents ('ve seen the ads - "We can make your original article on 300 and Google will ever know!" - Yes , and anyone who visits your site is just silly misspelled or contextual errors).

Step 1.
If you must use the site generation software to make sure you find one that leaves no trace behind them, ask yourself - "If I was looking at the page source code generated how would I know that is generated by machine ?

Step 2.
Do not use the site tools scraping, are immoral and a waste of time

Step 3.
RSS feeds are included on your pages, add fresh content without effort on their part (at least one of the tools now generating site is compatible with this type of functionality)

Step 4.
Do not click your own ads, Google may in the twinkling of an eye

Step 5.
Do not get links from established sites (in the same place as the contents of your niche)

If you are at all serious about creating income from Adsense you need more than one site and therefore it is inevitable that you will use the site generation tools (because there are not enough hours in the day so you can create as many hand pages), by all means to use these tools but use them ethically.

By using the site generation tools for ensuring that allow you to add several blocks of Adsense / Clickbank / Ebay code for each page (which saves time) and carrying out search engine optimization for you (both page and off page.)

You should also take the time to write some of your own original content - like this or maybe pay a ghostwriter to create a series of articles for you (do not forget your ad bio box at the bottom of everything he writes).

To answer the original question, yes, you can still do a lot of money from Google - just be careful.

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