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Affiliates, How To Become An Article Marketer

Started by Webm, 2011-10-22 19:36

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If you are familiar with article marketing, then you know that the main objective behind his articles is the bio box or resource box. This is where you put a link to a website important that you are trying to promote.

But that can be a real problem when you're trying to promote a product that is not yours.

Affiliate links can be long and ugly, not to speak out. Therefore, it becomes very difficult to get your readers to watch as an expert when their links are all "=", "?" and arrays of numbers and codes long on it.

Compounding the problem, most article directories and html coding strip, both in the body of the article and bio box and link URL instead.

So your affiliate hide behind a coded text is more or less out of the question too. Which leaves publish your articles with your affiliate link in your box hyerlinked bio. And as you probably know, is very difficult to hide something that is neon blue on a white background and black.

There are, however, some things you can do to hide the fact that you are promoting an affiliate product. Some of them have some disadvantages, but when you're desperate, anything is better than nothing.

1. Shrinkers URL:

Pros: These are usually free to use and can change any link to a much smaller, covert link. Just paste the long affiliate link in the box and click a button to get a small link that will take visitors to the site.

Cons: The new location will have the name of the domain link shrinker. If it is a popular service that you can find links to overcome time when their servers worked.

Marketing usually know what URL means a small (affiliate link).

2. Rerouters PHP Script:

Pros: Allows you to create alternative links directly to your own domain. Good for article marketing because they usually have to put the script in a folder called "recommended" or something similar. So your link appears. . .

" / recommended / theirproduct"

Cons: You have to manually adjust the php file and upload to your server. Then you have to have a system where you can track all your real affiliate links, which renamed them and where they are on the server.

3. Linking desktop management programs:

Pros: It fills in a few lines on a form, click a button a couple and their links are created and uploaded to the server for you. His real affiliate links are stored in the system along with the name and location of your links wide. In addition of being able to easily modify the process.

You can create hundreds of links of a product, which is a great advantage to article marketing, because if you use an article submission program can load all the different links in different bio boxes, which solves the problem of code depletion html directories.

Cons: not free. There is a price to pay for the ease, speed and efficiency. Prices vary, but expect to pay the lowest around $ 40.

In any case, there are ways to make a successful affiliate marketing article marketer of high power. Affiliate links do not have to resemble more affiliate links, which opens things up for the affiliate marketing space to use this very effective marketing.



Nice thread bro, i use link shrinker like tiny url. 
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"Do you already know that you can spend time on the Internet for a reason? Earning a solid amount of money? I am looking for some motivated people who want to work from home and make money online. There is a wide range of opportunities! With some effort you can make a great part time income from it. Or much more! It is free to get started! Join me  Click Here 2. Yes, We Can


Quote from: mikelwins on 2011-10-29 13:18
Nice thread bro, i use link shrinker like tiny url. 
Glad to know is nice and informative. Tiny url many webmasters I know use that, is a good one.



"Do you already know that you can spend time on the Internet for a reason? Earning a solid amount of money? I am looking for some motivated people who want to work from home and make money online. There is a wide range of opportunities! With some effort you can make a great part time income from it. Or much more! It is free to get started! Join me  Click Here 2. Yes, We Can


Have come across many times in applications but personally haven't used it.


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