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Adwords, Adsense, SEO – Common Denominator, Keywords

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-23 07:29

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If you just put a web page, you probably all ready have heard words as keywords, Google Adwords, Google Adsense, SEO. AdWords, AdSense, SEO have one thing in common - Keywords. How important are keywords? Very important.

Google Adwords

Adwords, either through Google, Miva, or any other pay per click search engines, keywords you need. With AdWords, you create a three-line ad - 25 word title, two word lines 35 of the text of the ad - then create keywords. To achieve success, you have to brainstorm for keywords, which are different but relevant to your target audience. Sounds easy? It is not. It takes time, patience, constant adjustment, and hope that the product they are selling is not already saturated - to much competition, makes it a little more difficult for newcomers to make a profit.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is an advertising program created by Google, and is beginning to be explored by other search engines, like Yahoo and MSN - that allows you to put targeted ads on your website. If someone clicks on your ad, you earn a small amount of money. These ads are keyword driven and relevant to your web page or website.

Sounds simple? Well, not really. There are also more than just putting a notice on its website and hope that someone clicks on it. What is it? Let's see - color, position, style, to name a few.


Search engine optimization - this for me has been a long process - since I'm still learning. SEO is keyword driven - the search engines pull the keywords in your web copy - not to my surprise,
the keywords meta tag. Of course, I still use the keywords meta tag, but maybe in the near future, but soon I will remove the label from my web pages ...

Search engines, however, extract information from Meta description, Meta title and content of their websites. Therefore, content reigns supreme.

Since content reigns supreme, each page should have useful content and most importantly, relevant keywords to emphasize. Secondly, it is best to try to base your keywords around a central theme. I found that when the keywords diverted away from the main theme - that sends a warning signal to search engines. Therefore, if you want to see the keywords and keyword density on your website or websites - You can get a quick summary: It's a free country
tool, and very useful.

In conclusion, the key words is one of the main ingredients that lead people to your website, products, services and / or advertisements. ... And, keywords around your quality content will help with your ranking of your website.

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