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Anatomy Of An Article Submission

Started by Webm, 2011-10-22 19:39

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Writing and submitting articles to publishers in order to promote your business, services and products is a good choice for any entrepreneur. The only cost for this type of marketing project is your time and if you want the maximum benefit, the amount you pay the spell / editor.

Many people feel overwhelmed by the shipping process and do not know where to start. I have outlined below the ten steps to take in each article submission project. Having a process in place makes organizing submissions so much easier and eliminates the confusion of what to do first.

1. Start by having your review article and then add it to your website. Make sure you have a catchy title and a line-that forces readers to take action.

2. Use a text tool for formatting HTML per line for your URL will appear live when your article is published on a site.

3. Gather the information you need for most submission sites including: title, author's name, address, telephone number, email, website URL, topic, two line summary of the article, the number of words, number of lines, article URL, auto-reply address (if available), the file names and keywords Document 10-15.

4. List the type of submission sites appropriate for your article. EzineAnnouncer I use to collect and keep track of my presentation and always write the categories that fall short of my article. My latest submission qualified for more than 400 sites, but its success depends on the subject of the article.

5. Start sending sites that accept articles by e-mail. Never send an attachment unless asked. Incorporate the full article in the e-mail and include an option for the recipient to unsubscribe from your list.

6. Your next step should be the registration for all sites to present his new list that require registration. Usually, you have to wait for a confirmation e-mail before sending it. You can skip to the next step while you wait.

7. Submit to all sites that have been recorded and that all sites that do not require registration, but offering a submission form.

8. Check your e-mail, confirm your new accounts and visit these sites to add your article. Keep track of your user name and password for each site.

9. Update your submission list by removing or correcting bounced email addresses and URL errors. You also need to add the new submission sites to your list.

10. Create a report to keep on your computer with the name and URL of the sites they use for their presentation. Update the list when you submit your articles to more newly discovered sites.

Create your own submission process through the construction of the steps I have taken and are taking their shipments less time and helps you be more organized.


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