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Are You Making These Article Marketing Mistakes?

Started by Webm, 2011-10-22 19:56

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There are plenty of people out there who do not understand article marketing, or the role the directories.

For those who are not having success with the items, or for those considering starting out, here are some basic rules that will save you a lot of work long term and is likely to get your marketing career to the article most auspicious beginning.

Read the specific terms of article directory service and guidance. This may seem like a waste boring, tedious and long breath of his valuable time, but in the long run it will save you hours of frustration and wasted effort. All directories set their own rules and some are stricter than others. Most directories labor under a large number of submissions and the work of sifting through them is often the work of an individual. This means that if the opening paragraph or opening statement is misspelled or contains errors, which is why the editor is going before hitting the delete key. The luxury of time to edit an author error or reject an article rather than eliminate it, is that most publishers are not.

Presentations masses are usually seen as spam. Let's face it, none of us is able to write over 200 articles in one day - I would say that the production of more than ten would be a pretty amazing feat of productivity. It should come as no surprise to those with a large number of items in a period of 24 hours to find that they are all eliminated. Article directory software usually allows rapid removal of the presentations, so if you do not want your work to be a victim of mass removal, the mass is not present. All it takes is a little common sense. If you are using a shipping service, set the option to stagger their shipments in a longer time period.

Proof read your articles. If you do not know what this means, look up! If your writing is full of misspellings, poor structure, punctuation horrors and grammatical butchery, do not be surprised if none of them are published. I could write thousands of words about the most common errors seen in people's writing. These usually involve the spelling and grammar. Check the spelling of his articles, even if you think you're perfect, they are often surprised at the mistakes you make. If you tend to misspell a word regularly, never correct unless you become aware of it.

If you are of the opinion that these things do not matter (after all, people will know what you mean!), Then think again. If you want to write and, more importantly, see their work published and picked up by other website owners and bloggers, who must demonstrate their ability to write well.

For example, all "SEO experts" who talk about search engine optimization (sic), but not understand that being able to spell correctly stated his profession give a little more credibility to their demands. Just for the record, most words ending in "lift" using a "z" not an "s". This is a very common mistake, but that would be corrected by the use of a spell checker, like so many others.

If you want to write with authority, must be able to demonstrate basic literacy. Yes, this is important and should be taken into account by those who praised "the Queen's English", which look even more foolish than punish them. (A good example of a word not ending in "ISE") regardless of who is on the throne, always "King's English."

None of us is perfect and this is not a lecture on grammar and spelling, no matter how it might be necessary.

If you are tempted to use PLR ??articles, even if rewritten in an attempt to make them unique, remember that you will be competing with all applicants for direct access of others who are doing the same. This is another shortcut to the delete key for a lot of directories.

When it comes to the resource box is quite amazing how many authors defeat their rationale for making a disaster of this vital section. If the article directory in question allows hyperlinks in one, two or three live, make good use of them. Think of your anchor text carefully. In other words do not say ...... to learn more click here and link the words "click here". The resource box is where you need to give readers a reason to visit your site (s), but it is also the only place that can take full advantage of the good keywords as anchor text in your links.

Use the resource box wisely and make the most of everything that the board is offering through promotional tools. Add your URL link without it being live is a waste of time, if the directory allows you to use hyperlinks in your resource box. By contrast, the addition of more than the quota allowed links will likely result in the suppression of their work.

Another thing to watch is the direct link with affiliate programs. Read the policies of the guide at this point or more, so they can be found in the editing room. Many states that only directories can be bound to the affiliate programs indirectly, referring readers to their own site or domain. Some do not allow either redirect the links straight.

Relevance is also a problem here too. In other words, the presentation of a piece of PLR about gardening and the link to your MLM program is neither useful nor intelligent, just a recipe for disposal.

I conclude by saying that yes, you can churn out poorly written articles to your liking, just do not be surprised at the results.


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