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Started by globiz, 2014-11-26 11:58

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Talk Africa referral program pays N1,620.00 for every user referred to join the Talk Afica discussion board. It is free to join and all that is require to start earning your referral cash bonus is to promote your referral links on social media, blogs and other platformS you can get people to signup on Talk Africa using your link.

Each referred user is expected to actively contribute posts and topics to the Talk Africa discussion boards to help release your pending earnings. Each person you refer instantly gives you a N1,620.00 cash credit and this money will be pending until the referred user starts posting on the Talk Africa forum. All topic started on Talk Africa usually earn money for the poster as people reads it. The more reads the topic gets the more money the poster gets.

To get your referral earnings posted to your ewallet, the referred user must have accumulated a total eWallet credit of N4,860.00. The referred user can achieve this through his/her publishing/promotion activities, affiliate product listing or advertising. The listed activities usually helps the user build his eWallet credit transactions. This measure is taken to avoid automated signups.

Click on the the link below to get started


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