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Building A New Website In PHP

Started by Perfect, 2011-06-05 15:53

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New website and the current owners website owners alike consistently make a common mistake, but very expensive. Find a web designer and then an SEO second. Unfortunately, these entrepreneurs do not realize that literally everything that goes into building a new website will impact your SEO campaign. Tend to funnel thousands of dollars on a new website, only to discover that there are a lot of areas that should be reconstructed to have an optimum SEO campaign.

I will identify six major areas of concern, with the hope that even a small percentage of these website owners will find this document at the right time, which is before you start building your site.

1) the domain name registration and hosting. Make sure that when registering the web site address to see at least 5 years. Sites that register their site for a short period of time to send a warning in Google, they just think that the site site was registered in the short term with the hope of helping another website, which is owned by the same person / company to rank well by linking to it. When choosing the domain name, do not choose a URL that is riddled with hyphens between all your keywords. It is more important than this target their visitors to search engines.

2) Creating static URL. This is one of the most neglected but important things you can do to make sure that your SEO campaign is a success. By eliminating dynamic parameters within the URL of your website, you are ensuring that the search bots will have trouble indexing all pages. Creating static URL can be accomplished by mod rewrite commands in the file. Htaccess in the root folder of your server. Here is an example of a dynamic URL (which is to be avoided), and a static URL (you want):


Make sure that any potential developer or designer you hire understands that this will be a full work requirement.

3) Editing the label of the head. There are three areas in the head tag must be able to edit or you or your SEO edit. They are the page title, meta tag description and keywords meta tag. Having control over these for each of its top-level pages (all pages linking to your homepage), will be critical to the success of your website on search engines. Definitely do not want these to be the same on every page (which must be unique and reflect the nature of the contents of the page given). For other pages that are created in large volumes, you'll want to ensure that there is a variable string (your web designer or programmer to understand what this is) instead of each of the three areas concerned, so that it automatically is filled with content that is the right length and reflects the specific page content.

Again, make sure your designer / programmer understands that this is a job requirement.

4) Clean, simple code. Ideally, you want to define all aesthetic properties that different types of text on your site will have a separate CSS file. This means that you want to avoid using as many labels as possible, especially, size and color of labels. They also want to avoid creating PHP scripts that can be two long, and contain a lot of unnecessary steps, or they rely heavily on javascript. It is best to avoid using javascript as much as possible.

Remember, the more important that your site can be doing is making it easy for robots easily search through code to your website and follow all links it finds. When there is unnecessary code and writing in place, makes it much more difficult for them, thus hurting your SEO campaign.

Make sure that everyone who is helping to build your site consists of work that cleaner production is the simplest code, possible. If you have any questions about this or do not understand, it's best to talk to an expert SEO on it to ensure it is done correctly.

5) Ensure that visible written content is editable. Writing in the body of your website is one of the areas most important to you or your optimizer to help your site's rankings rise. Ensure that any of you can edit at your own convenience is extremely critical to the entire SEO campaign. This is because from time to time search algorithms will change, and that could mean a strategy that was implemented in the past may not be enough, so you should be able to change to keep up with the latest SEO techniques .

6) the structure of the site. Given the nature of PHP, the most likely (and should) be created by a number of inclusions that puts all the pieces of a page at the same time. You want to ensure that the design and placement of graphics and navigation links within these includes is strategically correct. Remember, you do not want to have to pay someone to go back and redo this, so it is essential to get it right the first time.

If you are unfamiliar with a lot of the information presented in this article, is probably in your best interest to at least consult with an SEO or SEO company in the design process. A good SEO will be very comfortable working with you and your design team to ensure that the final product is one that will last a long time, and will go a long way to help your site generate revenue online.

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