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Copying Content - Still Valuable, or A Thing of The Past?

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-07 16:28

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In the virtual world, the "content" is "money" in real life. Content is our good, is what people trade around the world. But it is "other people's content" actually valuable?

There are many specialists to be believed that the content has been copied is not more valuable and in fact may penalize your website online for the posting of such content, but otherwise agree.

Ezine article directories around the world constantly judicial notice of the same old 'as the other. All pulling in the same group of authors who ultimately present the same items for each directory. My question is this, if the copied content is not more valuable, so these article directories are some of the most popular web sites world wide?

See if you look at the article's authors, is beginning to get clues as to why "copied content" can still be confused with the original content.

Title and Author stay the same, but the rest is just gravy:

A constant is true for all articles submitted by authors: The "title" and "author" are the same but everything else tends to change in the process of article submission.

See, some article directories will ask for a "description" to publish online leader in the article. In many cases I have seen the authors simply make up their own description on the progress which in turn gives the article a unique feel to it.

HTML pages formatted articles Dynamics of the article:

In other cases, some article directories allow HTML to be published with the article. When this is allowed, you will usually get a unique item created by the author and edited by the author. For sites that allow HTML, there are others that do not allow HTML which in turn depends on the article directory and its own "author guidelines" about a well formatted article. Some article directories allow images, while others do not.

Some article directories have "internal" HTML editors known as "WYSIWYG" editors. These act as an HTML editor that allows the author to personalize your item with bold text, add links, etc.

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With all these different scenarios, the content is still valuable?

Of course! Beyond and besides the fact that every article directory requires different methods of submitting your article, each article directory is also unique to each other thus providing different content throughout the article itself.

It is well known that search engines do to select and identify your "template" content, as opposed to their "inner" content, but at the same time, the contents of the template is unique and hopefully not 100% copied elsewhere.

In conclusion:

Although the content looks copied down all the websites out there have any content copied somewhere on your site. Either within its menu system, or content. The fact is, ultimately, can change the contents copied to a unique content, changing the dynamics or properties of the content itself.

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