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Cost of Engaging a Digital Marketing Company in Nigeria

Started by AdHang, 2016-07-20 11:59

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What is the cost of engaging a digital marketing company in Nigeria?  This is a common question companies and organizations that want to engage digital marketing company in Nigeria often ask. In this Cokoye forum thread today an attempt is made to answer the question by mentioning and explaining different models to engage digital marketing companies, this way you can choose the one that best suits your company and search for digital marketing company that might agree to work on that. Yes, because choosing a method you consider best for you doesn't mean that the marketing company you desire can work on that term.

Specialist rate with time estimates model
This model of engaging has to do with spreadsheet templates, the rates for professionals that will work on your digital marketing campaign will differ based on both their contribution to profitability and also the level of seniority or experience they have in the digital marketing industry.  With this model, you will be charged more for experience people to work for your campaign especially if you're interested in particular aspect of digital marketing such as creative, technical, research, etc.
Is not uncommon for companies to complain about the high rate of these individuals but the truth of the matter is the solution this seasoned professionals bring to the table might the only competitive advantage needed to win in the marketplace or achieve the set goals faster than your rivals.
You calculate to either a one¬-off project or an ongoing retainer fees these professionals charge.

Fixed fee model:
Fixed fee model has to do with you as company telling digital marketing company your budget and what you want to achieve (key performance indicators: sales, leads, certain number of traffics to your website, etc).  Even though you have stated what your budget is, the digital marketing company will still do some analysis to see what it entails to achieve you goals such as process, tools, channels, duration, etc. Because in most cases you might not know what it will take to achieve your goals, as it might look simple to you than what the digital marketing company will go through to achieve them especially if you're in a competitive market or niche. This requires a good consultation, consideration and transparency in both sides to avoid problem further down the line.

Value-based model:
This cost of engaging digital marketing company has to do with you paying based on the value of the strategy or creative thinking the company is bringing to the table to help you achieve your goals.  This Value-¬based model is bothered on the idea that the digital marketing company has the expertise to literary take your company to the next level by getting you good return on investment for your money.

Payment by results model:
Payment by result is one of ways to engage digital marketing company, however this model is uncommon, it seems to follow affiliate marketing principle (where a merchant pays an affiliate when a sell is made or particular action is performed by the lead such as filling a form, etc). Here you list what your company considers as key performance indicators then the digital marketing company will work to achieve them and get paid only when it/they are achieved e.g. certain number of website traffic, online sales, number of leads, etc.

Blended rate with time estimates model:
A blended rate covers all the professionals in the digital marketing company, irrespective of their skill-set, experience or seniority and will be one rate (XYZ amount per day). This is important if your company prefers keeping everything simple and clear.

This is to help you engage a Digital Marketing Company in Nigeria. Please note that all the above have to do with paying for the expertise, process and in some cases tools and didn't include paying for online platformS or media to run your advertisements. You can have your separate budget on what you want to spend on your online advertisement campaign, and then choose any of the methods above to pay a company for their expertise to help you develop a message and appeal; design, manage and run the digital marketing campaigns for your company or institution.

Let me explain: you can pay a digital marketing company to do situation analysis, create headlines, design banners, create videos, write articles, write press release, news/email marketing , etc. And help you select the best online digital marketing elements (content marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, online display or influencers marketing) for achieving your goals.  If "online display" is selected, you have to have a budget for displaying your banners advert and text ads in platformS out there, like yahoo, google, cokoye, facebook, Microsoft adcenter, linkedin, cokoyes,  etc. Depends on the channel(s) that can help you achieve your aims which the digital marketing company must have reviewed through situation analysis.  Then use any method listed above in paying the digital marketing company in Nigeria for creating or managing the online display adverts for your company.

Above is cost of engaging digital marketing firm or company in Nigeria.

To determine cost of online digital marketing in Nigeria, visit following link for analysis and factors
AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on

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