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Dear participants of the community E-Dinar Coin!

Started by Edinar, 2016-12-27 07:59

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Dear participants of the community E-Dinar Coin!

Site is intended to familiarise you with the benefits and opportunities of crypto-currency E-DinarCoin.
With a unique, crypto-currency, referral program, you can find in the section of the marketing plan.
On this site you can register and download the crypto wallet for most devices.
Desktop and mobile versions are available for most popular operating systems.
To assist owners of crypto-purses, section information posted instructions on how to use your account and accessible FAQ section ( with the most common issues users.

Info on daily majningovyh charges 0.65%,
marketing strategy of development of E-DinarCoin and the possibility of additional passive income, posted on


Crypto-currency E-DinarCoin is built using progressive technologies PROOF-OF-Delegated STAKE (DPOS).

As in any decentralized crypto-currency, E-DinarCoin, there is no single data center.
However, each action produced in E-DinarCoin is processed, verified and recorded in blockchain.
DPOs technology this function is performed by the delegates (delegate) and witness (witness) when making the transaction information is processed and confirmed by delegates
later they record all information in block.
Further all the statistics block chain is taken by witnesses and broadcast on all purses online E-DinarCoin Proof of Mechanism Stake is based on the need for evidence storage a certain amount of funds in the account.
When you use this method, an algorithm of crypto-currency distributes new bagged unit is proportional to the current balance of the purse on the specified algorithms.
Thus extracted coins are distributed on the purses most loyal to the crypto-currency participants. Percentage of daily allocation is 0.65% of the current balance of the purse.

Representatives of the company E-Dinar Coin signed a preliminary cooperation agreement with OneraSystems,
a well known developer of solar power plants in Egypt, that provides for the implementation of the project installing solar power plants with capacity of 50 MWp (megawatt/peak) with a view to ensuring E-Dinar Coin solar energy
as well as the further development of the system. Get acquainted in more detail you can link


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