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Deep Inside Google Pagerank

Started by Perfect, 2011-06-17 10:59

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PageRank is Google's way of determining the value of a website based on the number of incoming links you have. Essentially, Google counts the number of links pointing to the page and interprets it as a vote of confidence. In short, the more votes a site, the worthier the site is in the eyes of Google.

Website Ranking

During the years that the web was emerging, several sites that have industry-specific content is continually added to the site each day. Internet users or browsers had very few tools to locate these sites known to exist but had no idea of ??how you can access. The Birth of Yahoo provides some relief, as its list of directories organized by classifying each site was discovered and a search engine integrated in your site. This began the use of existing keywords in the database for the search site. Other search engines do the same with the trend search and relied heavily on Meta Tags to rank the relevance of a website based on keywords in the tags.

Everything seemed to work fine until the site owners and webmasters realized the potential of incorporating keyword phrases specific to the industry in their meta tags and other site codes to manipulate higher rankings in search results. Search engines began to fill with spam content sites with the abuse of relevant keywords. Most had the words, but had poor content. The credibility and relevance of search engines were challenged by what he had to think of a way to offer a more refined output to users.

Google saw the problem that conventional search engines had to cope with this situation. He acknowledged that while the relevant control remained with the webmasters, the ranking results will be contaminated by the presence of high ranking sites that artificially inflate its key importance. By the very nature of the website you accept that the website is based on hyperlinks that is largely measured at a site links to important sites and the number of links you have. There is an assumption that a site is good and important if more sites link.

The Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, took this logic even when formulating a search engine algorithm that shifted the ranking weight to off page factors. They came up with a formula called PageRank where the algorithm that counts the number of sites link to a page and assign it an importance score on a scale of 1-10. The scale of Google is not linear but exponential in nature.

The PageRank algorithm, which is named after its founder, Larry Page, was deployed with the launch of Google in 1998. The successful result enabled Google to surpass its competitors, due to superior results and relevant information that was able to serve with the formula that was difficult to manipulate. The new algorithm helped in providing authentic and quality information while presenting a challenge to site owners and webmasters to cheat their way to higher rank. Google PageRank is considered one of the main pages of the factors that influence the ranking of a page in the results pages of search engines. The PageRank of a page you can check by downloading the Google Toolbar.

Google PageRank

Google explains PageRank as follows:

"PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote by page A for page B. But Google looks at more than the volume of votes or links a page receives, but also analyzes page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help others pages "important." Important, high-quality sites receive a higher PageRank, which Google remembers each time it conducts a search. Of course, important pages mean nothing to you if you do not match your query. So, Google combines PageRank with sophisticated text-matching techniques to find pages that are important and relevant to your search. Google goes far beyond the number of times a term appears in a page and examines all aspects of the content of the page (and the content of the pages linking to it) to determine whether it is a good match for your query . "

The exact algorithm of each search engine is a confidential matter. However, analysts believe that the search engine ranking is a product of a combination of page relevance and PageRank. The search results of Google search are certainly high in terms of relevance. This is largely responsible for the success you're experiencing. Other search engines have been adapted to this logic somewhat with variations in the importance of the assigned value.

The Google Toolbar is a free download and can be installed on the user's Internet Explorer within minutes. That makes viewing the PageRank of each web page visited on a scale of 1-10. That does not show the PageRank of web pages that has not indexed. The PageRank displayed by the toolbar refers to individual pages and not the whole site.

Most search engines place great importance on link popularity in evaluating the importance of ranking web pages and indexing. The link popularity system is based on the number and quality of links connected to a website. This is used in conjunction with the quality of sites that are linked to the website, content quality and relevance of the industry to the site.

A website that links to a site spends part of its own PageRank value in the process. The higher the PageRank of the linked page, the higher the value passed. PageRank is divided between the total outgoing links page link. In essence, a link to a web page with 20 outbound links PR10 represents more value than a link to a page of PageRank that it has 100 outgoing links. Following the links on the websites of high public relations with smaller total number of outbound links should be prioritized.

One of the most critical aspects of search engine marketing is building link popularity. The manipulation of PageRank is not easy or recommended, but PageRank can be improved by improving link popularity. A long-term link building campaign should be undertaken to increase the PageRank of a site and thus achieving a significant improvement in the ranking of the site. Page outside factors continue to gain importance in ranking websites so it is necessary to actively push factors for the website. Exchange links with sites included in the segment of the industry itself has become more open as webmasters, finally realizing the importance of link popularity and PageRank.

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