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Did Google Bomb New Directories Online? Look's That Way!

Started by Webm, 2011-06-28 12:48

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A few weeks have passed now and the results of the new update of Google are in. By taking a closer look, we see a pattern emerging. It seems as if older more established directories are being rewarded, again. Many new directories / links seems a lot lower. By taking a closer look at this, we start to notice some rhyme and reason behind all the chaos.

This is the way of Google to get rid of "I can access all directories"?

What is meant is the following: In practice, more and more people and use online linking strategies to build their placements are more and more things start to get out of hand. I mean, reciprocal linking is the next "link farm" to disappear from Google?

I can not really see what happens, but is beginning to show signs of this. When you search online these days for listings, companies, resources, etc. We seem to be older, more popular "Yellow Directories" than anything shown at the top of certain "services based" searches. I mean let's face, yellow directories have been around since "local telephone" was invented.

Implementation of Google is a trust factor?

I only mention this because since the boom of the resource links is the growth of doorway pages, unethical practices of SEO, and pages of filler, particularly of key resources. There are certain resource directories out there that have stood the test of time and continue to use best practices and quality content for their readers.

Do not forget our loss of faith in "DMOZ"!

Lately people seem to be losing faith in DMOZ, the open directory project in which humans get to judge whether a company should obtain a list above the rest. The problem with this seems to be related to the "editors" discretion not to add competition to their section of DMOZ. Many people who are "editors" at DMOZ are your competitors.

Google is also losing faith in "DMOZ"?

You can get some interesting answers when asked the above question because increasingly we are seeing a drop in DMOZ activity in searches on Google. It seems as if Google could also see the downside of DMOZ. It may not be very obvious yet, but I would like to see changes and this is possible the operation of DMOZ and freedom of publication.

Google Bombing is online directories?

Due to the change in new directory of online resources and people to exchange links, search engine results continuously bring big useless directories of websites claiming to be relevant to your search. The problem with this is that some people use "spam" tactics to fill their boards with keywords to get better ratings of their resources. Thus, it offers a poor quality of the visitors who are actually browsing through these online resources.

What is Google about it?

As mentioned above, it appears that Google is having a profound interest in older, more established directories to weave out new and richer in content directories designed to attract more traffic. In this way, Google can offer a better "local searches" for lists of the company instead of directory Web sites expanding to appear on a terminal near you.

How can prosper from this change?

Back to your directory listings online. If you do not have any, this would be a good time to implement a strategy for directory listing. Take a good look at your ad and make sure that your ad not only attracts visitors but also has atleast your website for search engines to crawl through and rank accordingly.

How will you help?

As a rule, a good practice to follow is finding your "desired search engine searches" geared to your business. Find any related directory that appears in searches and list your business. To put your business in these directories, you will help your company get visitors to your website who are looking for your product / service.

I hope this article helps you!

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