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Do-It-Yourself SEO

Started by Webm, 2011-07-04 09:19

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Does the idea of ??Internet marketing intimidate you? Are you thinking of hiring a professional? Well, we have great news for you. It really is not difficult to do search engine optimization (SEO) yourself - you can save hundreds of dollars, and get the same results as the pros do. Is likely to get better results from highly qualified professionals, but it certainly should do these do it yourself first actions. Once you've done something of this kind of work will be easier to determine if a professional is worth his / her salt.

Basic SEO is very simple and easy - all you need is the will to work. Once you know the ropes, is not that difficult, but can be time consuming. The content of your site in the center of what to do with SEO. These are the main points to consider when you're doing it yourself.

1. We will start by registering a domain name should reflect what your site on. Be brief, provided that in any way connected with your site. Being more specific can help. You can choose the page name after one of their products or services, for example. Another method is to get a subdomain of a popular domain. In general, this will help you faster indexing, but can not be seen as professional visitors. There is a trade here, sub domains are quicker (and generally cheaper), but domain names are more memorable and, in the long run, better for your indexing.

2. The next thing to consider is the title of your page (ie the HTML title tag), which is critical in allowing search engines to see what the page is, and is the first item considered by the search engines to determine relevance. You should put your most important keywords in your title tags - do not have to worry about singular or plural formS as search engines consider these changes in most cases. Whatever you do, do not call "Home" on your home page - the title of a mini-description of the page.

3. The two main meta tags are not as important as they used to be, but the description tag is still used by some search engines to display information about its website users and help them decide whether they have found what you want. Not all search engines bother with this, but most got a relationship with him (albeit tiny).

For a very brief description of the alt tag can be used. Alt tags let you describe a picture or graphic file - they are descriptions of the pop-ups that appear when you hover your mouse over a graph or chart can not be discharged for any reason.

Text within comment tags is not displayed on the page - which is used by programmers and designers to remind you what part of the page is for. Some programmers use to put a lot of keywords in comment tags, so it would be seen by search engines but not users, but search engines have stopped paying attention to any text that is not seen by the user. Keep this in mind when it comes to post invisible text (text that is white on a white background). This type of behavior can get you banned from a search engine.

4. With a density of keywords throughout the content is good, but keep in mind that each search engine has its own requirements regarding the number of times a keyword or phrase should be in the page content is relevant. Somewhere between 5 and 8 percent is a more or less optimal - but this is not always possible, and should not be forced. Do not overdo it, or the search engines might mark down.

5. Many search engines judge web page importance on the number and quality of incoming links from other sites. To link to related sites, but not too many. Do not overdo incoming links either, and keep related content on your site. It's also good to get sites to use keywords as the text of these links.

If you follow these tips, you can do it yourself and do very well. SEO, if done right, you can stay on top for the time you want to be.


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