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Don't Have A Flash Website If You Want Search Engine Results

Started by Webm, 2011-07-04 09:31

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Beauty is not always sell. Many customers are interested in having more Flash on their websites, as these animated graphics that the website look more attractive and appealing. There are web design companies trying to convince a Flash site that sells. Fortunately or unfortunately, the irony is that a Flash site can make the site look good, but will work against you if you want your website to make money.

Flash is a software program that creates special effects and cool jazz and animation to make your website attractive. There are some websites containing Flash elements included in the website, or sometimes you can see some websites that are entirely made in Flash. However, common sense business advised to stay away from Flash on your website for the following reasons:

1. Flash makes your website slow: If your site is geared flash, it will take time for the website to be downloaded. Although there are users of broadband and DSL, there is no denying the fact that too many consumers still use dial-up connection. You can imagine how annoying it is for prospects and people in general when the site is too long to appear, only because of the Flash animation. Please do not be fooled by the talk of the designers who can say they can solve the problem of low discharge rate, doing bits of Flash animation will appear instead of one big file. This will worsen the problem because you will have to wait for a large file each time you click a button or go to another part of the website. You'll find it's worth all this trouble to stop and go to another site less flashy and showy.

2. No Flash intro, please! Flash introductions are designed as a prelude to the main page. However, these introductions are very annoying to most people and try to hit the skip intro button in an attempt to get the contents of the website. Sometimes there is no skip intro button, which makes people pass the site instead. The Flash intro is good only if your business is making a huge amount of money and do not mind making the website look extra glamorous.

3. What happened to content? If your website depends on the design Flash, then there is a strong likelihood that there will be less content. The truth is that the content is the point of driving the web business. The fresh design and Flash animations are peripheral - you can do without it. However, the core or the essence of your business on the web is content simply can not do without it.

4. Search engines are not in favor of Flash: If you chose to read through the first three points you have is really in its search engine bearing business to avoid Flash sites. To set the HTML file, you write code that plays the Flash file. The tragic part is that search engines can not be deduced or read this file or its contents, and that is why that index your site. In other words, search engines have no choice but to ignore their well-designed website flash. The only way to survive in the sea of ??search engine rankings is if you have lots of text content with appropriate keywords and phrases. Only this will help you find the top four or five pages of search engines.

Search engine optimization is the art of creating web pages with relevant content that are friendly to search engines and user friendly for the general public. You can use Flash animations and graphics in the appropriate places on a web page if you wish, but should be minimal, with the appropriate HTML content.

The spiders or search engine programs are able to do only two things: the reading of HTML and text search. They simply ignore the HTML code. Search engines always try to categorize pages of text, not images. The first thing any SEO professional will do before looking for keywords or remodeling your copy is to study the code of your website. If the site is full of Flash animation, graphics, JavaScript and other razz-ma-tazz, then the chances of ranking in search engines is almost nothing. Spiders never be able to find your site, much less add pages to the search results.

Should also be aware of the fact that some Internet users do not have the Flash plug-in installed on their computers, which are unable to see the fruits of their labor. There are some who are opposed to downloading software, or are there some who have no knowledge of Flash, so stay away from investing money in a Flash site and lose business. The text and content is the way to the gold mine. Build a website just plain HTML. Keep your links in text without having the drop-down menus or buttons on JavaScript. Note that in an attempt to stop the unnecessary blocking traffic and violating the laws of accessibility, powerful search engines have also begun to impose fines. Do not manipulate the search engines. Instead, strive to build a website that goes well with search engines instead of against them. A picture is definitely worth a thousand words so a search engine is concerned.

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