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Exploring Google Page Rank And Alexa Rank

Started by Webm, 2011-10-12 09:30

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So you've heard some things about SEO and are now trying to learn something more about what SEO really is and what your goals into reality. Well, his two main goals are to increase your SEO website position in search results pages (SERP) and increase web traffic. Google Pagerank is how important your website is compared with all other websites and Alexa ranking is the number of visitors to your web site receives in relation to all other sites on the Internet. You are the goal of obtaining a high Google PageRank (commonly known as PR) and a low Alexa ranking. What do you look at these two measured elements does is give you an idea of ??how well or how poorly, your site is doing compared with all other websites. Explore these two classifications in detail a little more.

What is Google Page Rank?

The co-founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google Page Rank described as a tool for the rank of a website that appears in the Google search index. A PageRank of a web page is given on a scale of 0-10. 0 is the lowest score possible for a website and instead a 10 is the highest score possible. A high PageRank is defined by the amount, importance (PageRank) and relevance of web pages that link to the website in question. When a website links to another website, Google considers that to be a vote for the page in question and therefore of some importance. There is a formula related to how PageRank is calculated, but for the purposes of this article is too deeply, but if you are interested in the theory behind PageRank (PR), then a quick Google search will provide fruitful.

What is Alexa Ranking?

The Alexa ranking is different from Google PR, Alexa rank websites based solely on traffic to the website. Alexa rank websites in descending order from 0, most visited website on the Internet is assigned a rank of 0. At this time the top three ranked sites (most visitors) are Alexa, 0 - Yahoo, 1 - Google and 2 - MySpace. According to Alexa these 3 websites get more traffic on the Internet. Alexa score ranges from 1 to one billion. Each website in the world is included in the Alexa rankings, so the scale on the Alexa ranking is constantly changing in relation to other sites on the Internet.


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