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Finding Good Keywords for Your Site

Started by Webm, 2011-10-13 11:22

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A keyword can be defined as a word or phrase that can be used in the search for a website. Keywords can be placed in titles, body text, online catalogs, abstracts, indexes, notes and subject headings. Using the right keywords is very important, and keyword optimization, if done properly, will help drive traffic to your site. In order to know what will be most effective keywords for your site, there are some things to do:

• Check their website first, make sure it contains a central theme.
• Find words or phrases that best describe the content of the website first.
• Make a list of words above and / or phrases.
• Do not use popular keywords that are being used by thousands of other websites.
• Calculate the popularity of the words you have chosen using a directory or a keyword suggestion tools many keywords.
• Now you can limit the list to only a few words optimal.

Use the above process for each of your pages, and you will be able to more effectively optimize the power of your keywords. Remember that when you are determining what keywords work best for your site, there are different types of keywords. Knowing about each type helps in optimizing your keywords.

In determining which words to use as keywords, you must first determine the focus of your website, what value the information Web page has to offer and who your target audience. Knowing these details in advance will help you choose keywords that will be optimal for your website.

Types of keywords

In general, the keywords can be grouped into three different categories. These categories are:

• Key words, these types of topic keywords are used to reach a specific audience of people. Normally used on every page of the site, and are quite effective to boost page rank.
• A word Keywords-these types of keywords are used usually between 5 and 7 times in a page, and are used to reach a wide audience, general.
• Several key words-words such keywords, sometimes referred to as "keyword phrases" are used to reach specific audiences, usually in a specific location. This type of keywords are also good in improving page rank.

Tools to Use

There are many tools available that allow you to examine only the keywords that are used in excess, which are not, and keywords that will best benefit you and your website. Since there are many tools available, you should make sure that you are more comfortable to use. Some keyword tools are free while for others it is a burden. Some of the tools that can help you find good keywords for your site are:

• Tools for search keywords
• Research Tools of the word
• lists of keywords
• Keyword Software
• Databases of keywords

All these tools can be found on the World Wide Web, and help in the investigation of key words and phrases, and it is possible to use for your website.

Despite finding good keywords, effectively can be a little long, it's better to invest a bit more in order to achieve the best results. Running through the process of choosing keywords and their incorporation into the content of your site will only be a waste of time because they do not get traffic to your site or will improve your page rankings with search engines.

With so many tools and processes available for you to use in your quest to find the right keywords, with a little time and patience to be able to get your site optimized with the right keywords that have proven very effective. Remember that keywords and keyword phrases are vital to the life of your website. Make the task of finding good keywords a priority when it comes to your website. You may be pleasantly surprised when you increase your websites' traffic and increase your page rank with search engines, all because of a few, well placed keywords!


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