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Five Common Myths About Search Engine Optimization

Started by Webm, 2011-10-15 20:52

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Picture this scene, a boy entered a barbershop and the barber says, "Do not touch me, I'm just here because my mom made me." Search engine optimizers often put in the position of the barbershop. They are knowledgeable and willing to work at the site of his client but the client does not want to make changes to the text that is visible in the pages of your site. This kind of conflict occurs due to general misconceptions about search engine optimization. Let's look at these misconceptions.

1. SEO writing is just meta tags and working on "invisible" code

Many people want to get a high rank for multiple keywords or keyword phrases, but if you look at the text on your web pages can hardly find these vital words. They come to a search engine optimizer and think that he or she will sprinkle these words in meta tags and will work like magic. This is a big misunderstanding.

It is true that your main keywords and key phrases should be in your title tag and meta description tag, and even the keywords meta tag, but also must appear on the page itself and must appear in strategic places on that page. Some customers say: "But I like how it looks now." You may like the way it looks, but search engines will not recognize that your page is really about Electronic Widgets unless these words appear in the headlines of the page, in the opening paragraph, in the name of domain file or text link and the body text of your page.

So, by all means if you already have a copy that works, that can convert visitors into buyers or otherwise fulfill the purposes of your site, keep it. But you also must be willing to hear what the optimizer has to say about the changes that allow search engines to select the site when a potential buyer makes a query for your keywords or phrases.

2. Search Engine Optimization is to trick the search engines

Some customers say, "Do not touch the carbon copy, but they introduce changes invisible." Using invisible text is something that can get you banned from a search engine. The main goal of SEO is to give your website the best possible chance to get in good positions when someone does a query for your keywords or key phrases. The key to doing this is to design web pages and write the text that is intelligible to the search engines, without sacrificing the experience and understanding of their end users, people who visit your site. Therefore, do not ask your SEO professional to try to trick the search engines, but working with him or her to submit your website the best possible way.

3. Search Engine Optimization is primarily concerned with changes to the site

Even if your site is well designed, is adequate and has meta tags keywords rich text, this alone does not guarantee that your site will rank high in competition inquiries. All these factors, the design, meta tags, and copy, are factors in the site. Search engines then take them into consideration, but also a value off-site factors such as the number of high quality link or authorized sites for you. This means that hand in hand with the optimization of the place that you and your promotion team will need to embark on a campaign to get links to their websites from web sites that are already highly regarded by search engines and the the general public.

4. Search Engine Optimization works instantly

Do not expect to get a flow of traffic right after your site has been optimized. Some search engines work quite quickly, but the main search engine at the moment, Google is believed to deliberately delay aging in its algorithm. This means it can take several months before your site will be the first results of its particular category, especially if it is a newly created site. During this initial period, you must also consider using other methods of promotion such as pay per click advertising, article marketing, joint ventures, paid advertising in magazines and online advertising.

5. Search Engine Optimization is very expensive

While it is true that very large organizations, ordering the services of the leading companies in SEO, you might spend thousands of dollars in campaign optimization, search engine optimization can be the cheapest option and cost-effective site promotion web.

If you launch a pay per click campaign modest and pay five cents per click and get 100 hits per day, then your cost is $ 5.00 per day or $ 1825 per year. If you learn to optimize your pages for yourself may be able to get natural search engine traffic without paying the payment in installments, click here. This is precisely what many webmasters do. Or, if you opt for a package of modest search engine optimization of a professional can get to spend less than the payment by installments, click here.

So next time you hear one of the myths about search engine optimization do not accept it blindly.


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