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Flash Tricks For Improved Search Engine Rankings

Started by Webm, 2011-10-17 08:28

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Normal wisdom says that if you use Flash in a website that will hurt your position in search engines. This is mainly due to the search engines have difficulty indexing Flash content. But with a little ingenuity we can use this problem to our advantage.

First let's look at how the search engine indexing can cause problems in your website.

Most web sites consist of menus and context areas. The menus are frequently text-based, making them easy to update or change. The content depends on your creativity in writing. Both can lead to problems in the search engine indexing.

Search engines look through the text on your pages, menus, and create your content and index what they find. So far so good. But how do search engines do this? You can not view your page and decide which is the main area of ??visual content, so just start at the top of the code and work down.

If your site follows the standard model of the navigation bar at the top or left side of the page and uses a table structure to achieve this, then the navigation bar will all be read and indexed before your area main content. If your site has a lot of variation, then this should not be a problem. But what if your site focuses on one topic and the navigation bar tends to repeat the words? As an example, there may be a site that sells watches and navigation bar to read as follows: Men's Watches, Watches, Sport Watches, etc. You can see how easy it is to repeat that the clocks of the word.

Search engines like to give points to sites that contain valuable content that is easy to classify and recognize visitors, but also remove points of spam keywords. Watch In the above example, the navigation bar could easily cause your page to be listed as a keyword spammer.

The trick is the first flash to improve your ranking. Creating the Flash navigation bar. In this way all these words repeating now hidden from search engines. As an added benefit to the code adopted by the flash, it will probably be less than the code used in the base text navigation bar. This will help search engines to focus on the main content area of ??your page.

Let us now turn to another common problem with the indexing of search engines. In this example we consider a shopping site selling watches as in our previous example. Each page will have a description reproduction of individual monitoring, and that's fine. However, each page can have "boiler plate" text. There may be a standard description for a particular watch brand, or possibly warranty or shipping information included on the page.

Another red flag that goes up the search engine spiders text is repeated from one page to another. The clearest of each page is more likely that search engines take into account the text. If there is too much repeated text, search engines may even drop all the pages that they believe they have duplicate text. Not a good situation, especially if you do not want to be forced to create the original full text for each page of your site.

Here is number two in Flash trick. Keep all other content on its pages and convert html pages and repeating text areas into Flash files that are placed on pages. Thus, only the text is visible to different search engines and repetitive text that is hidden in the Flash file. Any text that is often repeated from one page to another is an ideal candidate for the treatment of Flash.

So take a look at their website. Do you have text menus that use repetitive words? Do you use the text of the boiler plate, or have repeated text areas on multiple sites? If so, you should stop Flash disadvantage of being search engine unfriendly become your advantage in making a site search engine friendly.


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