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Started by Webm, 2011-10-17 08:38

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Have you ever wondered about making your site more attractive to search engines? Were you scared by the high fees that SEO specialists charge for their services? If you answered yes to all these questions, then I have good news for you. There are few very effective ways to get good search engine rankings. The techniques are not difficult to learn and really just takes time and patience on your part. Let's start ....

Domain Name
The trick here is to register a domain name that your customers can remember and the search engines is relevant. Use the words in your domain name describing your product or service. For example, do not call your site if you sell widgets pink. I'd better call your site.

Title Tag
Search engines value the content of the title tag in the ranking of your site for keywords. Put your most important keywords in title tags, with singular and plural versions of each word. Make different and specific labels for each page of your site. For example, "Pink Widgets and Widget support rose." The title tag should be a brief description logic of their website.

Header tags
The description meta tag is still used by many search engines (Google, no) and is often used to display a brief description of your website. The use of 20 to 30 words to describe your site and be as wide as possible in the small space allowed. Try to use the important keywords within the description tag. The keywords meta tag is rarely used and should not be considered very important. Just put the important keywords in this space and move on to more important issues of optimization.

Image ALT Tags
The ALT tag is used for a very brief description of an image or graphic file, and is displayed when the mouse pointer over a graphic. Using the important keywords in the description of the image has been shown to have a small effect with some search engines.

Keyword Density
Different search engines have their own preferences in terms of number of times a keyword phrase can appear in a certain web page in order to demonstrate the importance of that keyword phrase. You should try to make sure your important keywords have a density of 5 to 8 percent on your site. If keywords have more than 10 percent density, which can be considered as keyword spamming or stuffing. (This will hurt your search engine rankings dramatically) Use the H1 and H2 heading tags to raise your important keywords within your site. The key words in these tags are considered more important by search engines.

Inbound Links
Getting inbound links should be considered the most important SEO strategy. Search engines rank your site depending on the number and quality of inbound links to your site. Links from other high-ranking sites are more valuable and increase its ranking sites. Contact with other website owners and ask them to exchange links with you is a good strategy. Sites that link to should not be competitors, but should be related to your site. For example, a bicycle repair shop would benefit from exchanging links with a bike trail site. Page Rank is a good indicator of the value of a site would like a link exchange partner. Yahoo and Google each have a ranking system of the page. When arranging a link exchange, make sure your important keywords are included in the anchor text. Search engines use anchor text when you try to figure out the relevance and importance of their web pages.


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