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Get The Most Out Of Your SEO Professional

Started by Webm, 2011-10-17 09:18

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Many companies go through all kinds of measures before hiring a search engine optimization professional. Unfortunately, they often sabotage after that person from the beginning.

Get most of your SEO Professional

As a SEO service provider, I can tell it's an area that is almost always a sticking point with customers. This area has to do with communication, especially from the client to the person or company handling the SEO campaign.

Many companies sabotage their professional SEO right from the beginning of the game. Everything has to do with knowledge. A SEO professional is very knowledgeable about the process of search engine ranking. He or she can tell you lots of information about algorithms, back links, inbound links, keyword density and other aspects that are probably not particularly interested in. On the other hand, is a mistake to assume your SEO wizard has knowledge about your product or service area.

Any business has a little secret of fundamental knowledge locked in the minds of a few individuals at the top of the company. This knowledge is protected by a great effort, as it is considered that the key to success in business. Although each business is different, this nugget usually has to do with what prospects buy the product or service offered by the company. If you do not provide this information to your SEO professional, problems will arise.

Consider the following situation. An SEO company is retained by a client on the sale of products. SEO representative asks for all kinds of questions about the typical customer for the company, product lines and so on. From this, a list of keywords is developed and asks the client to review and comment on any additions that comes to mind. The company reports no changes. A year down the line, the customer has first place in dozens of high traffic keywords in Google, Yahoo and MSN, but sales are less than expected.

At this point, there is usually a formal meeting with the players to try to figure out what is happening. During the meeting, some little tidbit mentioned that makes professional seo groaning. Gossip is the internal business information, inevitably, about why the prospect of buying the company.

In our example above, the company sold its products in the industry active lifestyle. Higher ratings were obtained in all relevant issues. Sales were shit. During the meeting serious, serious, leaked that 8 out of 10 buyers asked for the product to wrap gift! ARRRRRGGGG! The SEO campaign has been adapted for people interested in the active lifestyle, not the people who were looking to buy gifts for these people. Our sales were terrible, because the lists were appearing in front of the wrong audience!

Yes, this really happened. Fortunately, the modifications made site keywords and the ranking was recovered after a few months. While the site has been previously converted to 1 in 1000, now becomes 1 in 30. The next meeting was more informal. In fact, there were plenty of drinks and took the next day off.

If you are going to hold someone to handle your SEO efforts, or any marketing for you, not withholding information. Understand who and why people buy is a key part of developing a list of keywords for an SEO campaign.


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