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Climbing to the Top of Search Engine

Started by Webm, 2011-10-26 10:43

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Climb to the top.

Have you ever had a friend who calls and says, "Hey, I googled today and I really found it!" Cool, you think. You go to your computer and try to google your friend too. Nothing appears. You tell him. "Oh, well, you have to click" Next "at the bottom of the page. Keep clicking until you're in as the 47th page you see me yet?" Of course, just keep clicking "next "Why not think about that?

You do not think about it for the same reasons millions of people searching the Internet did not think about it. Or they are too fast to pay attention to anything after the first page of results, or have come to believe that anything after the first page of results is not as interesting or useful.

Getting your business website and search engines is a good way to help promote it, but to get to the top of search engines is where you want to be. After all, people are not going to keep clicking until they find your site on page 47a. People do not even know they are looking for your site. It's your job to put it out there to make it easy for them to find, and one way to do this is to the top of search engines.

Before submitting your website to a search engine you want to first make sure your site is rich in content and that you are avoiding all the tricks of spam and html. Then once you're on the list, keep keep these points in mind:

-The greater the number of inbound links, the best
-Provide loving attention to each page of your site
Maintenance of key words in the top of the page is the best place; game search phrases is more effective than isolated word recognition
Graphics produced are not useful

Once you have succeeded in reaching the top of search engines, further work is needed to stay there. It is crucial to monitor their condition regularly, and pick up the step if the position in the search results pages of the engine begins to slip.


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