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Google Love - Five Top Tips To Make Google Love Your Site

Started by Webm, 2011-10-29 09:02

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Trying to fight Google or be smarter in some way is pointless, destructive and the wrong attitude.

Google learning to love and work with him instead of - and send streams in streams of people. It's as easy as pie if you follow these simple instructions.

1. Google love ...

Google and all of its programming is not a form of enemy - unless you are a piece of foam web, that is.

Google is based on the idea that people should help you find what you are looking for.

That's it.

Sit with the above statement. Meditating on if necessary. The use of EFT.

But I understand that a site is not meaningless unique content never get anywhere with Googly or any other computer that is using its techniques and methods.

You can buy books and ebooks until your wallet bleeds on "how to trick Google" this and that - forget it.

Unless you have something that some people want to HONESTLY and are grateful when there is no hope and there is no point in reading further.

On the other hand, trying to fight Google or be smarter in some way makes no sense, destructive and the wrong attitude.

Google learning to love and work with him.

If you have content, and follow the simple majority of the common spider robot courtesy protocols, then come and will index you.

Will be the bridge between the mystical SU (customers, people, communities, friends) and your site.

That's what I do, that is what is its nature and if you know that, then everything is fine.

You get good results after the rest of this.

2. Dressing for Google ...

So now, we will have a decent website with DECENT content.

A decent website means:

- All pages and directories have links to work properly and allow it to slide easily Google a great place to another without having to hit an impasse annoying;

- All pages are cleaned to have the absolute minimum of HTML instructions and nothing you do not have to be there, like java scripts vast and meaningless or truly atrocious instructions "mso";

- All pages have the right meta tags that accurately reflect what is in them, and as the title, content, description, keywords in the least;

- All pages have titles and descriptions and own content that matches the meta tags of a T;

- All images are the title and alt labeled and living on your own site.

Decent content means:

- All you have is useful. If only the better, and it is not difficult. All you need is to be yourself and use your own words, even if you are a member - write your own comments, put a picture of his own dog in it, be unique, be yourself.

- All you have, I'm sure there are some people who want to see, read, do something with it. There are billions of people out there. Just make sure you know who your people and write to them.

- Decent content also means that you have presented to both Google and a human being who gets what it is.

When your website is operational, test, test and test again. Try each link only to your own computer, somewhere else and all kinds of different browsers.

Only when you are happy that everything works, you go to Step 3.

3. Let Google VES

A minimum of 35 decent links going to your site from Google to ignore you and start paying attention.

Note that "link" is just that - is NOT the same as, even remotely similar to any variation including /index.html

All, every one is seen as a single separate link - when you need 35 all go to a unique address to make magic.

So now, the "decent links" part.

A site that is not indexed by Google much or does not turn up 1,993,990 page in a Google search of this type has no value to you.

Search for directory listings on your site ranking and list your site there. This applies to any of the many variables in getting a link from another site, whether signed a guest book or an article is included. Do not waste your time with anything that does not appear in Google's top ten.

Now, you have an appointment with Google.

What we have to do now is to build a relationship - prove our worth and value over time, in other words.

That is the side of our best tips from Google - age and reliability.

4. Being there when Google calls!

Make sure you have a decent ISP with 99% uptime or better - which is of course elementary.

Do not ever take your site down for any reason and make changes gradually.

The most important thing is to get the best tracking software you can afford and know that it is already doing, and what's coming to.

That is the key to long-term success - to find what you're doing well and then expand on it. For example, if a person comes from Google (or another search engine) for the term "snark" and then build on that. Snarks write more articles on what to do with them and without them, how to avoid them, collect images snark - in other words, become the first point of contact for all inquiries snark.

Build on your specialty with a little more than a web directory, invited articles, reviews, and then we are more than 3 / 4 of the way to a real presence on the web and Google responding to changes in its location near instantly, which is what we want.

5. Keep improving all the time.

The point of ultimate success is to continue improving all the time.

Pull the html or php I wrote a year ago - I bet you can do better now.

Review your meta tags and site copy and improve on both.

Name of your pages, images and directories better. Improve the content, structure, navigation of your site.

Keep it with directory listings and communications - directories come and go, must always be the "state of the art."

Keep doing link exchanges combined with high-ranked sites as well and continue adding value and exclusive content of your pages clean and well presented.

That is the most important of all - to keep the same continuous improvement.

Follow these steps exactly with a so-called decent new content - and you will see an immediate improvement in their rankings on Google.

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