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Google search engine optimisation and their 80/20 rule

Started by Webm, 2011-11-03 13:39

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Search engine optimization or optimization (with a 'z' or is that "zee" if your from across "the pond"), and is constantly evolving. This evolution reflects the evolution of search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. Google, in particular, has come to be seen as the most sophisticated search engine and advanced, and which is armed with an arsenal of anti-spam technology.

Increasing Google's use of anti-spam features has meant that the Google website optimization has become much more difficult and is not now just a case of opening the source files of websites in notepad, add a few words HTML tags key different upload files waiting for the results. In fact, in my opinion and I'm sure others will agree with me, this type of optimization, commonly known as onpage optimization will only be 20% effective in achieving the classification of keywords that are even slightly competitive. Those of us who excelled in math in school know that this leaves us with 80% missing.

This 80% corresponds to offpage optimization. Offpage optimization Everything has to do with the amount of links pointing to your site and its pages, the current text link (anchor text) of these links and the quality of the pages the links are on. Offpage Optimization is now to ensure that the overwhelming factor that dominates, that decides where a site will be located in Google. That then is what I mean by the 80/20 rule, I'm not talking about the Pareto rule, which means that in anything a few (20 percent) are vital and many (80 percent) are trivial, I'm not sure applied to SEO.

What is the logic behind this, then, why Google gives much "weight" (80%) to offpage optimization efforts and so little (20%) for onpage optimization. Well, in short, is all about the quality of their results. While onpage optimization is completely controlled by the webmaster and therefore can be abused by an unscrupulous offpage optimization is something that is not controlled by anyone, as such, rather by other webmasters, and web sites Indeed, the Internet in general. This means it is much more difficult to carry out any secret methods or spam offpage optimization in the hope of gaining an unfair advantage to a website in the Google SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages), this does not mean it is impossible without But.

We will develop a paragraph or two elements only why offpage as inbound links are considered by Google to be a good measure of relevance, thereby optimizing the most effective offpage optimizing away. Take the anchor text of inbound links, for example, if Google sees a link from Site A to Site B with the actual text that binds the words "London data recovery, then Site B has been to be more relavent and thus more likely to appear higher in the ranking when someone searches for 'data recovery london. SITE B has no control over the site A (in most cases ...) and Google knows . Google can search the text of the link and say yes, why a link to SITE B with 'London data recovery specific words, if site B is not "about" data "," Recovery of London , there is an answer for Google to consider that the Site B to be "about" "Data Recovery London.

He said, "in most cases" because it often over the webmasters have multiple sites and intersect with keyword rich anchor text, but there are only so many cross-linked sites and any webmaster can manage a Google knows more and as the number of backlinks and the appearances of the keyword rich anchor text grows (and grows it is unlikely that natural cross-linking is not happening) so does the importance of the site targeted by backlinks. Imagine hundreds or thousands of sites all link to a website X with variations of the phrases "data recovery in London as the link text, so Google can be pretty sure prey X website is" on "" data recovery in London and feel safe to return in the first 10 results. This is the reason why so much importance (80%) in offpage rating factors such as links, but are simply the most reliable way to verify what is actually a site and how well it covers what it about. This dependence on factors that are difficult to deceive offpage is what produces the quality search results that we all know, love and everyday use.

The moral of the story from an SEO point of view, then, is to spend less time in the settings small website that thinks it can make a big difference (but not) and work hard at what really counts, the really counts is how the site "sees" your site, better quality (keyword rich) incoming links your website has the best 'see' the network and therefore will be the best view of Google website will be. What Google thinks your website is very important, as "caring" web sites they like.

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