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High Rankings - How do Search Engines fit into Your Business?

Started by Webm, 2011-11-10 13:44

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Even if you are ignorant when it comes to internet marketing, you probably already know about search engine rankings and the importance of being near the top of the list when people search for keywords related to your product or service . Although there are other ways to get attention and attract customers to its website, the rankings are still an important part of online marketing puzzle. The rules change often and can be difficult to keep up with people, but if you follow some tried and true tricks of the trade that will more than likely to succeed.

So what is the best way to optimize your site without getting into trouble with search engines? Configured to always work against spammers and provide search results that users can trust Google and Yahoo! work with search algorithms in order to get relevant search results. Change these algorithms on an ongoing basis to stay a step ahead of those who seek to exploit the methods used by search engines and reach the top of the list unfairly. But there are legitimate ways to optimize your site without landing in hot water with Yahoo! and Google.

One way to achieve a good ranking in major search engines is to optimize your website content with keywords, although this technique is losing ground in favor of the new classification systems. Including keywords in particular on the content of your website makes it easier for search engines to find on the web. You should also keep up with relevant keywords over time and further optimize accordingly. Note that it is best to focus on Yahoo! and Google, since they are the first 2 in the world of search engines and drive more traffic to your website.

Keywords can help improve your rankings, but be careful when using them. Only use keywords that are relevant to the topic of your site because it introduces keywords that are unrelated to your site are of sanction. A great place for a keyword is in your domain name. Just make sure that the keyword appears in the root of the URL, instead of mother, as some search engines do not like sites that include keywords in the stem of a URL.

Also add keywords to any content you have on the site. Other places to put keywords are: the title tags in the source code and the meta description of your site, meta tags and keywords.

But now the best way to be popular in the books of Google and Yahoo, is proving popular in the online world. The way search engines determine the popularity of a site is by analyzing how many other sites link to it. So let's say you run a website selling cookie cutters. You rank high in search engines, if a large number of other quality websites related to your business in some way, contains a link to your site. For example, you can ask the person running a site selling cookie dough or baking accessories to place a link to your site in one of your pages. For your link on a site that offers cookie recipes, baking and cooking tips for other information might be a good idea too. In turn, offer to list their websites, and you just might begin to appear higher in the standings.

Of course, the pure number of links you have is not the only test of popularity. In fact, the major search engines mostly find quality links. If you have a bunch of links to irrelevant websites, not really going to make search engines. But if your links appear in high-traffic websites, the quality relevant to the topic of your own site, search engines are going to pay more attention to you as a trusted site.

Another effective way to increase search engine is through the inclusion of high-quality content in place, such as articles. Good information related to the topic of your website will ensure that real people find your site useful and want to link to it. Sprinkling keywords in the text, of course, is also a good way to make use of the contents of your site as a way to attract search engines.

Then, submit your site to online directories such as Yahoo! and Open Directory Project. Search engines also look in these directories to be included in as many places as possible, it can not hurt.

You can also create multiple sites all related to the overall theme or product as a way to boost rankings. This establishes a community site that is easier for search engines to track. Then use the group of sites to link to each other, so that all sites most popular product in the eyes of search engines.

If you work hard to establish your site and avoid the pitfalls that can get you banned from the search engines, your site will climb the ladder of search engines before you know it.

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