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How much money can I earn with Google Adsense?

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-14 10:34

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That is a question that you might be asking soon after enrolling in the program Google Adsense. Often people are disappointed that it only takes about $ 1 a day for several months after you register and create your own website.

However, you've probably heard of people earning good money from Adsense, for example, John Reese earned over £ 500,000 in the last year and Michael Cheney regularly makes over $ 19,000 per month (and that does not include sales membership!). You may not want to be in the big leagues with them, but it certainly gives you the idea that there is much money to be made if one knows what to do.

Basically, if you're not hitting at least $ 1 per day, after six months, with an urgent need to take some tips on how to get more traffic to your site and also its use and placement of Google ads.

I think it's important to remember that it takes time to build their income, but does so gradually as the search engines to find your site, how to build more pages and how to build more links to your site.

The key to Adsense is the creation of content - you can do this by creating more pages or by creating more sites. For example, if you have a site that is earning only $ 1 per day, which is $ 30/month. Ten sites like that will give you an income of $ 300 a month, fifty sites will give you an income of $ 1500/month and so on. You get the idea!
Obviously, you want to create, build and test a web site to start and then add others later.

However, there must be very careful if you are considering purchasing an Adsense Ready website - some of these may contain duplicate content that search engines can detect a mile away. You could end up with a lot of content that you have paid good money, but very few visitors. Creating your own content is the key - whether in writing yourself, using free articles from article directories like Ezine Articles and then add your own introduction to be unique or you can even pay someone to create content for that through Elance. If you do not have the time or patience to create your own website, then you can buy existing websites for sale at places like Sedo and simply add Adsense code to them.

Once you have begun to build an income, then you can start experimenting with placement and color of your ads. If you can improve your clickthrough rate (CTR) on your ads, then you can make more money with the same level of traffic. This is a place you can really afford to listen to experts, only one eBook that I downloaded more than three times the income of my own sites. Also, read the free information all you can, enroll in courses from the experts and try out new ideas. If you can get your CTR into double figures you'll do well, although it is rumored that some of the experts, much higher click through that. Because it goes against the terms and conditions goggles to share this information, comparative figures are not available, however, test the ideas on their own site you can find what works for you and your sites.

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