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How to get a Website Indexed Fast

Started by Perfect, 2011-11-28 11:21

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Fast Indexing

What does get indexed?

Search engines keep a cache of every web page in its index.

In English, this means search engines make a copy of each site you visit and put on their records ... ummm, I think that's what I mean.

When using a search engine pages list relevant to your search results, usually ten results per page.

Each result includes a live "link" to the page, and a "cache" or "snapshot" of the page, saw the last time the spider visits the page, sometime in the past.

If you want to get a website indexed, you should first have a website ... preferably a real one that you own, not a "free" a Geocities website, etc.

It only costs about $ 8 to register a domain name, and about $ 5 a month for accommodation, while $ 10 a month will give you very good quality accommodation.

For fast indexing, I recommend starting a blog on your site. This can be with any blog software, but I think WordPress is the best ...

If you get a good quality accommodation include cPanel and Fantastico scripts. In the fantastic scripts are about 50 scripts that can automatically install on the server with a single click ... and WordPress is one of them. The alternative is to manually install wordpress itself.

Once you have built the basic barebones website (home page, ½ dozen pages of content, and a map that unites them is the time for indexing in search engines.

You can "submit" your site to search engines if you wish, but is too slow.

This is where the blog comes into play ... publish articles or posts on your blog daily and never miss a day during the first few weeks at least. The posts must be interesting and relevant to your site.

Set your blog to automaticlly "ping" in the blog directories every time you publish a new post.

This is what happens ... Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines are always looking for new content to serve its visitors and customers search, and a place to find a new blog content. Search engines love blogs because they are dynamic - updated regularly by their owners - as attached to normal web pages remains largely static - unchanged for months.

If you update your blog every day by adding new articles or other content, search engines will notice, and will soon visit your blog every day like clockwork.

I can include a link to my site regularly, adding a link to my page, or map in the sidebar (menu) on my blog.

The best search engines second love after new content is "links" ... Link to literally die, and if they find a link anywhere you have not seen before, make a record of it, then follow them wherever they may lead ... and if they find is the link to your blog, make sure they have youbetter the site map to your website. Double check that you do, by clicking on it after making

Yahoo and MSN will list web pages as soon as they visit, and usually indexed within days. As soon as they are indexed, people can be found in search results.

And that's how easy it is to get indexed quickly.


You want to website indexing fast you take services of internet marketing like e-mail marketing,social media optimization,PPC,Search engine optimization.In this way increase traffic in the website and indexing fast in search engine.


Thank you for your reply, i'm failing to see how email marketing helps website index fast by search engine?


You can submit your sitemap to google and do social bookmarking. It is the easiest and the fastest way to index your webpage.


Social bookmarking plays a good role too.


You can submit your site map to google and do social bookmarking in high pr do-follow sites.


To get your web site indexed you can use the internet advertisement which helps you to increase the Page Rank also and increase the internet visibility. You can attract more visitors on your site by SEO linkbuilding methods also.


The best and effective way to get the job done is to keep updating fresh content that the users will be searching for.


Fresh content user will be searching is fine for overall seo marketing but might not get a website indexed fast unless if any webmaster finds the content interesting and link to in from search engines bolts frequently visiting website.


Quote from: Christian Okoye on 2012-02-06 13:04
Social bookmarking plays a good role too.

As does linking back to your website from a forum site such as Cokoye. Most forum sites give room for a link in your signature. This is a backlink and adds your SEO 'value'.
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The first thing I do to speed up the process of indexing my website fast is by creating a site map, then after creating the pages and blog posts, I post them in my twitter and Facebook account, it takes less than 48 hours for the site to get indexed.


Put your website link in your signature, ping the content of the website to different sites networks including search engines like yahoo, google, Bing etc within 48 hours different search engines will index your website.
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If you want to do on page optimization, then first you have changed whole fresh and quality content of your website.You will be used unique and user-friendly content, You should avoid spammy content. After that you can do off page activity you will be done off page activity you are using high page rank bookmarking website and forum, classified and directory site and you post some blog and article site,social media, Facebook, twitter, google plus and interest, and Wordpress.

Cindy Floyd

Thanks for sharing the information regarding indexing. Appreciate it.


Social bookmarking is the best method to index your website faster, social media optimization also play an important role to index your website.

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