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How to Harness the Power of Web Directories: Missing Link in Your SEO Strategy

Started by Perfect, 2011-11-29 09:00

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 So you want exposure through Internet? Of course you do. You want to drive people to your site, because that's the only way your online business can succeed. And the eyes more than you can access your page, the best for you. It is common sense.

You probably already thought of Google, and rightly so. It is the search engine, so you want to make sure it is a part of it. You may also have done some search engine optimization, and adjusted to your site in some way so that Google will index better. That's a good start, but it is also where many people go wrong.

The search engine marketing community often speaks of this faux pas: people are obsessed with rankings in Google, and forget that there is more to the Internet, plus many places where you can find. It is time to return to common sense again: Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Here are some reasons why:

- People use multiple search engines.
According to Nielsen / / NetRatings, 58% of people who search on Google also uses other search engine. The same is true with 70% of MSN users and 71% of Yahoo users. If consumers are looking for information in several places, it only makes sense for you to be that many places as possible.

- Google indexes the web directory listings.
Ironically, when working to expand their horizons beyond Google universe, is also working to improve their chances of appearing on Google. That's because when a major search engine indexes the Internet, but also indexes the contents of other directories.

Here's the best part: if you can get a list of web directorythat offers easy search engine one-way-links (ie links that connect directly to the URL), which are essentially the acquisition of a "vote" to your site, and therefore improving place authority in the eyes of Google, Yahoo and other major engines.

There are thousands and thousands of Internet directories where you can list your site. Some charge per presentation, and prices vary, from just a few dollars, as well as hundreds of people. Some accept your site immediately and others will be reviewed to ensure the integrity of your database.

Common sense applies here: the goal is to get listed in many directories as possible, so you get maximum exposure. But web directory submission can be very slow, so you have to be selective to maximize their productivity. Here are some things you will want to consider:
- If the price seems too high, you may not be worth it. If you have a little money to invest, it's a good idea to enter some of the paid inclusion directories. Pick and choose among some of the middle level, and try to diversify its overseas presence by collecting some directories and some other places. Some directories also offer special inclusion, where you pay a premium to get the list faster. It's definitely worth it if you are looking to improve traffic as soon as possible.
- Before submitting to any web directory, verify that the directory is not prohibited by Google. Here is a convenient place, where you can type the URL of the web directory and see if it is to prohibit immediately:
- Be prepared before starting the presentation. Write some descriptions of your website in different lengths (50 words, 100 words, 200 words), so you can just copy and paste when you are presenting. This is guaranteed to save you a lot of time.
- If you want to spend a lot of time looking for, pick and choose the directory, start at this page, which offers a great list of top search engine friendly directories on the web:
- If you do not have much time to devote to this, do not worry about doing everything at once. Mark the above link and take a few minutes each day to make one or two directory submissions, until you make it through the list.

Good luck and happy filing.

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