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Internet Marketing is a Game of Numbers

Started by Aptword, 2013-05-09 21:44

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All marketing is a game of numbers, and internet marketing is a better one. Marketing runs on the infamous law of probability where if you speak to 100 you are more likely to have ten buy than if you only spoke to precisely ten. Non-marketers would want to argue that if you have a really good product, then speaking to just ten should suffice. The idea would be true, if that is the way life arranged us. What are the chances (that law again) of finding ten people in one place who have the exact same or very similar preferences? This is where internet marketing becomes both difficult and extremely easy. 

Online PlatformS are Arranged to Favor Probability
Online platformS, namely blogs and websites, have keywords as their governing background rule. The premise means people who enter specific keywords into a search engine are going to land on pages with those keywords. It is a primary principle in site creation and in content development. The words widely used to explain this practice are search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is the art, or science, of integrating relevant search terms into a website or blog. The idea behind the principle is to draw people who are specifically looking for the thing you sell to come to you.

SEO aids the web or blog owner to identify the specific keywords that a person searching for health solutions will input in a search engine. This data is what makes Google one of the largest companies worldwide. They have the information on how people carry out their searches. A good example is a site selling health and nutrition products. Although most people are primarily interested in finding a solution to their health matters, they rarely will enter 'health' as a search term.

Tipping the Law Towards Your Site

The web or blog owner will not build their site around the word 'health', but rather around such words as 'diet', 'lose weight', and 'fitness'. The three search terms are highly probable keywords people searching for a health solution may use. To consolidate the data is the business of search engines, but how does an entrepreneur or a web owner use this information?

Unlike offline business, where grocers, hotels, bars, and similar businesses tend to congregate around one another, online the story is incredibly different. Tons of information goes live daily to millions of people scattered in very different places at any one time. The important way for a web owner to tip the law of probability towards them is to find a way to gather as many of those unrelated people around their common internet on the web owner's website or blog.

This is the primary use of keywords. When planning your internet marketing campaign, you must know precisely what the possible keywords people searching for your wares are. You will find those keywords through online keyword search tools.

Pulling in Your Most Likely Buyers

There are several free tools and some pricey options out there. In truth, all keyword tools tend to aggregate their data from Google first. Therefore, it is wise to use the Google Keyword Research tool when planning your internet marketing campaign. Google provides the 'Google Keyword Research tool' free for advertisers.

To get better results from your internet marketing efforts, be sure your web developer and your content developer understand the impact of search terms. Content is the most dynamic aspect of your site and it must integrate your primary search terms them into your site. In its simplest form, SEO seeks to congregate those with similar needs to one place, your site, making it much easier to sell to them effectively. There is of course much more to a selling website, but this is very important.
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Internet Marketing is a Game of Numbers for those who understand how to add the numbers. As internet consumers need change while the main principle remain the same.

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