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Internet Marketing Service

Started by Webm, 2012-09-14 10:11

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Is Internet Marketing a service?

Well in a since I guess it is. Maybe we are marketing to a specific niche outside of the Internet Marketing (IM) community, or maybe we are marketing directly to the IM community. Either way, I'm sure you would agree that we are performing a service.

I run a website about pool and billiards. You can find free fundamental training on the game, information about billiards equipment and even a chart showing how large of a room you need depending on the size of pool table you are putting in the room. Wouldn't you agree that this is definitely a service?

Many people are looking for that magic pill when it comes to making money online. What we need to understand, is that in order to make money and build a business, we have to provide value to others. Look at any business out there and you will find that they provide value to others. They perform a service.

If I were to take people by the hand, help them choose a topic and product, and then guide them in setting up a profitable business, You could call it an Internet Marketing Service.

What kind of service do you provide?

You must remember the part about providing value to others. This is the only way to build a lasting business. We see people come along who sell flash and flare with no real value. These people may make a little money short term, but unless true value to others is provided, the business will tank.


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