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Is Your Domain Name SEO Friendly?

Started by Webm, 2012-08-22 10:28

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When you first start an Internet business one of the first items on the list, after you've written your business model, is getting a domain name.  In years past it wasn't as difficult to find a decent name for your site.  Today  however, it's not as easy to get your  dot com name.  The process of registering a name has improved substantially but the availability for descriptive names is far more difficult.  Why is this a problem you may ask?  It's more of a problem for small and home business sites than it is for larger companies.  The reason is simple and I can sum it up in one word: money.

Larger companies, especially public companies have the funding to advertise their new sites, therefore they don't really need to have names that reflect the type of business they are in.  I can site a perfect example, Go, has absolutely nothing to do with the type of business Go Daddy is in.  But being the largest register of domain names, GoDaddy can advertise on all media levels to get business including buying advertising time on the Super Bowl!  If you are starting a home based business on the Internet, I'll bet that you won't be buying time on television not to mention next year's Super Bowl. 

Okay,  where am I going with all of this?   You are on a limited budget when you start your business and  you must rely on free traffic to your site, because without traffic you have no business.  This is what I described in my article on organic traffic a few weeks ago.  In order to get substantial traffic to your site you'll need to have an optimized site.  This all has to do with keywords and something called keyword density.  You achieve this by having your most important keywords dispersed throughout your website and your domain name.  (See I did come to the point of this article.) 

Most SEO, search engine optimization, programs first look at the domain name and your major keywords.  They look to see if your domain name and site title have any commonality.  If they do your site receives extra points in the SEO algorithm, (a logical step-by-step procedure for solving a mathematical problem in a finite number of steps, often involving repetition of the same basic operation.)  I hope that I haven't lost you here because all of this is very important, especially to home based Internet business owners.

Most SEO programs will constantly refer back  to the domain name and those words which match the dominate keyword phrases that you have chosen.  When your site is optimized, search engines will pick up your scent, so to speak,  and you will have great placement and positioning on searches that have your keywords.  All of this amounts to substantial traffic.

I'm not an expert on SEO and I don't pretend to be but I've spent my share of time in attempting to understand it and how it effects my site. 


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