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Keywords Shape the Success of a Web Site

Started by Webm, 2012-09-29 06:31

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Choosing the keywords for your site is one of the most important steps in developing a website. The keywords you choose will be branded to the site for its lifetime. There are many important factors to keep in mind when researching keywords as well as when placing the keywords within the site. The keywords should be chosen with ranking and search engine marketing in mind.

Researching keywords is imperative to making the right choice for your product and your industry. The process is said to be the most challenging task for website developers. It will shape and develop the success of the site for years to come. There are a variety of tools available that provide listings of keyword popularity.

Monitoring keyword trends is an important step in keyword research. Keyword trends fluctuate, so you should not choose the first set you find that coincides with your market. Watch the trends for several months to get a better grasp on how users search for your terms.

Competitiveness of keywords makes a big difference. The keyword may be popular, but if you're competing with 1 million results in the search engines, the end result will not be beneficial to your site. Choosing keywords that are somewhat less popular will not be as competitive and may only produce several thousand results in the search engines. In this scenario, the chances of someone finding your site are much greater.

Once a keyword or keyword phrase has been finalized, there is the matter of placement within the site. Your keywords should appear frequently through out the site, but not every other word. Keyword stuffing or keyword Spam is not a search engine friendly tactic. SEO specialists have developed strategic keyword placement that includes a standard set of areas within the site where the keyword should appear. Keyword placement is a very delicate issue, where placing the keyword in the wrong area or used too frequently could get your site banned from a search engine entirely.

With so many things to keep in mind when researching keywords, it may be beneficial to hire search engine positioning specialist who have expertise in keyword research and placement. It's all about the right keywords to get you to the top of the search engine rankings.


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