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Laser focus on your target audience with PPC Advertising

Started by Perfect, 2011-06-07 10:22

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Offline advertising is growing by 7% annually, while advertising on the Internet is speeding ahead with a growth rate of 32% annually. Traditional media are losing their market share as companies increasingly move their ads to online media, specifically in the area of ??paid search. Some time ago, Ford Motor Company moved 10% of its budget away from radio and television to web advertising.
Advertising in online media has some definite advantages over the online media in terms of cost, scope, interactivity, targeting the right markets and measurement of responses. This is why Internet advertising is becoming hot property for sellers!
Of all advertising (telemarketing, advertising in magazines, newspapers, radio, television, advertising, email marketing, etc), PPC advertising offers the most qualified who stay and has been shown to have the highest conversion rate sales. This is because, unlike other formS of advertising, your ad is displayed only when the potential customer is looking for your products or services. Thus, almost 40% of all online ads are pay per click campaigns.
The trend of advertising in the online environment is rapidly changing as well. While search engine optimization is becoming vital to make your web site emerge over competition, pay per click advertising is to provide a very cost effective to reach your target audience.
According to The Kelsey Group and finds, Inc., small business advertisers PPC currently spend on average 23% of its total advertising budget on PPC activities. Of these, 54% expect to increase their PPC spending next year. paid search, no doubt, has become the hottest online media advertising.
What is a PPC ad
Pay per click campaigns (PPC) is defined as the guaranteed placement of a small "ad" on the results page for a specific keyword or keywords. Their PPC ads are displayed when a user searches for your services / products. This means that PPC ads are aimed at customers who are actively seeking your products or services.
No matter what your budget, you need only pay for customers who click on your link. PPC campaigns are suitable for all types of businesses.

Large PPC campaigns

There are two major campaigns pay per click: Google AdWords, owned by Google and Yahoo Search Marketing, Yahoo's PPC service.
Pay per click advertising is growing at a rapid pace. According to Forbes, in 2008, companies spent $ 8 billion per year on PPC advertising. As a result, the PPC will be more expensive and competitive in the future, which means that the campaigns have to be even more professionally to ensure the best return on investment.
Advantages of PPC advertising in media other ads
Speed: PPC reach your target market at an accelerated rate compared to other online and offline ads. You can have an ad up and running in less than an hour.
Sales performance:pay per click advertising generates more qualified stay compared to other advertising media, because the objectives of the customers who are actively seeking your products or services.
Tracking Lead Conversion: You can track the conversion of lead from a PPC campaign with ease.
Cost: PPC is a cost effective means of reaching global customers, much cheaper than traditional media, which is usually limited to the immediate audience at your fingertips (whether television, radio or press.) Only in Internet marketing can give you global reach at such a cost.
Continuous Improvement: In a newspaper advertisement, if it contains bad ad copy, it's likely that nobody will answer and all your money goes down the drain. The costs include payment for the advertising agency for the ad and then the newspaper or publication for the advertising space. Also, in the case of radio or television, if your campaign is not attractive or compelling, all the effort and money is nothing more than the investment will go waste. If no one clicks on your PPC ad, you will not lose money because there would be borne the greatest part of a cost, and can modify the ad text until you achieve the results you want.
How I can make my PPC campaign for conversions?
The key to managing a successful bid PPC campaign can be found at
• Keyword research - any PPC campaign starts with effective keyword research. Choosing the best basket of keywords in the most cost effective cost per click is a specialized skill developed from numerous campaigns;
•Write compelling ad copy - similar to other media ads must be written in a way that encourages your target market to take action, ie, click on your ad. Selecting appropriate emotional trigger words are crucial;
• Drafting and design of landing pages irresistible attraction - a task made ??for expert ad copy writers and web designers as it is to make or break page that the visitor arrives a. If your ad copy can earn interest, you have a good chance of making the point of sale.
Effective PPC campaigns require a lot of market research, keyword research, competitive analysis and campaign management and follow up. If you educate yourself and have enough time to focus on their campaigns there is no reason why it should not be able to get good results. Carelessly, it can erode your budget in no time.
If you prefer to outsource their PPC campaign management to a specialist for benefit of their experience, make sure that the payment by the company, click account the skills and experience to effectively manage your PPC campaign.

Take a look at your processes, figure out how to manage your PPC advertising campaign step by step and make sure they have a proven track conversion rates.

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