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Local Internet Marketing Benefits

Started by johnmartin111, 2012-04-25 05:58

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Most people don't realize what local internet marketing is, so they don't know of local internet marketing benefits. According to SEO glossary the definition is: "Internet marketing geo-targeted through directories, Google maps, and social networking sites." In other words LI marketing is marketing a local business to your local community using internet. With that being said you can glimpse the local internet marketing benefits, but let's go over them just in case.

The first of local internet marketing benefits is in fact the purpose of LI marketing, getting targeted traffic that converts. Let's use an example, if you own a shop in Minnesota and a website about your shop in Minnesota, what will you benefit if you target Washington? To get your business off the ground and visitors to your site you need to target visitors from Minnesota, and the greatest part is that it is much easier to optimize a site and get targeted traffic for local websites than for global ones, makes sense.

The three top LI marketing benefits are:

- Low cost
- Easier to market
- Targeted market that easily converts

We already covered one of the LI marketing benefits, targeted traffic that converts; let's go onto the next one, low cost. The reason for a lower cost is the fact that it is easier to market and as such it involves less work for SEO companies, fewer work hours and an overall easier SEO and SEM campaigns.

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Thank you for the post, is helpful.


bella martin

bella martin

bella martin


The best thing about local marketing is that it sololey focus on local market so it helps in rising in local search terms.

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