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Making Keyword Optimization Work for your Website

Started by Mature, 2012-12-07 11:15

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Keyword optimization is a tool that anyone starting a website (or trying to maintain one) should take advantage of. This tool can do wonders for a web-based business, and has proven to keep web visitors coming back to certain sites time and time again—if it's done correctly. Here are some suggestions for making keyword optimization work for your website that could improve the state of your Internet business or informational website.

Test the keywords out yourself. When you're thinking of keywords that will make your site more searchable, test a few out on popular search engines to see that kind of results a person looking for your site or a site similar to yours will find. You'll be surprised sometimes to find that keywords you think are 'common' or 'regular' may not yield the results you expected. Try to think both as practical and as abstract as possible when it comes to keywords, and select keywords that you think are somewhere in the middle. For instance, if you're opening an online boutique, you'll want to input keywords like 'boutique', 'accessories', or 'handbags', because it is safe to assume that the people searching for your boutique will be looking for accessories or handbags. However, you may also want to use words or phrases like 'online boutique', 'original designs', and 'boutique clothing' for secondary keywords, so that if people are looking for something a little more specific, they can still be led almost directly to your site.

Find out how different search engines work. Another great way to make sure that keyword optimization is working for your website it to test out different search engines, and learn the 'rules' behind each of them. Use the keywords you have chosen several times with different search engines, so you can see just how effective they are. Some search engines yield better results when the person searching enters a short phrase (i.e. Yahoo), because more words offer more details, and the search engine can give more specific details in terms of findings. And, some search engines work well when using only one or two words (i.e. Google, Microsoft). Making sure that potential customers can find you no matter what search engine they're using will definitely help to increase business and traffic for your site.

Change your keywords if necessary. Every now and then, you may want to change your keywords or phrases in order to make your site more searchable. This depends largely on the type of content that you're putting on your site, so you may need to add a few keywords to your list to make sure that customers can find you easily. The more updated your site is, the more attractive it will be for new and existing customers, the more traffic your site will be able to take on.
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