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Marketing Power of RSS Content Syndication

Started by Webm, 2011-11-11 17:35

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RSS content syndication is relatively new legitimate practice in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). Marketers who specializes in SEO techniques are beginning to recognize the value of the RSS content syndication however, it seems that the most popular of this technique becomes more effective the results.

The value of RSS syndication is in the links contained in the content. This is because the major search engines like Google and Yahoo! pay attention much more than the incoming links to a website they did in the past. Content will arrive a little later, and still has, but it's so important to understand why the transmission of content to RSS feeds via the web can make more money and cost less!

RSS are appearing on websites across the Internet to keep people up to date with the latest news and information about a particular topic quickly. And we all know that users expect quality content, but even more so expect the content to appear immediately! And they want to see the content. They do not want to search the content. They do not want to link the content. They want the content to jump off the screen and in the brain within 10 seconds or less!

Maybe that's why Really Simple Syndication or RSS, occurred in the first place. This is great news for owners of web sites as well, however. Taking advantage of the wide variety and large number of RSS feeds that will accept proposals from other web sites provides a very inexpensive and easy to develop more web site traffic and revenue.

Did I mention cheap? A minimal amount of time spent will allow not only to provide a way for loyal visitors to be aware of their most recent updates, but also to expand the world's consciousness about their services or products. Did I mention cheap, right? Well, RSS content and article syndication allows you to spend some time preparing content in the standard RSS XML format and then make it available to many free RSS feeds worldwide.

If you've ever spent a significant amount of money in an online marketing program - you already know the drawbacks of traditional internet marketing. Mass emails are no longer effective because of the growing power of the spam filters. The directory listing services are finding that their customers are removing your links because of retaliation by the algorithms of major search engines. And, pay per click ... this is simply too expensive if you see real results.

With RSS feeds, we will never face any of these issues. If you can write an HTML file to your website, you can distribute your own RSS feed. The basic process is fairly simple to master, and as you become more familiar expand their skills more quickly too.

What could be better news for website owners? The major search engines not only the approval of the RSS syndication, RSS is providing open for the presentation of food in a huge variety of subject areas such as sports, entertainment, world news, travel, health and technology. Not a topic for each web site owners willing to put a little effort! And people use their sites already, so what better place to distribute your content?

When you place the contents of an RSS feed, is a link to your website. This is noticed by major search engines, and helps increase your link popularity among search engines. The potential link popularity of your site will move in the search results pages (SERPS). The combination of these two facts, and see that no matter how you look, the more traffic you receive RSS feeds.

It does not matter if your visitors are additional through an RSS feed, or if your visibility and increased link popularity enabled them to find through a major search engine! Think about it, and you're sure to see the true benefit of RSS content.

There's that word again ... "Content". RSS content is different from what would normally be expected in an SEO campaign. The reason why most websites that contain RSS put there in the first place is to provide additional information to your visitors.

Think about it, if you publish a website aimed at IT professionals who could provide content that is very specific in nature. They can give you information, tutorials and even advertising for a certain software package. Although this information is important for a vast majority of visitors who click on your link, some visitors may be more interested in a different area of ??the field of IT.

Provide an RSS feed that displays the latest news from the world of IT can be a great answer. If the information is in the RSS feed is the quality and in relation to the interests of their visitors, who will be your favorite site. Then they go back!

But what does that mean for you as the provider of syndicated RSS content? This means you will have to produce quality content - because it's the content that keeps users returning to the original site. As long as your content is quality, and being part of that RSS feed, you will see an increase in new visitors and return.

And generating traffic is the main objective of an SEO campaign, so why do not you want to syndicate quality content RSS feeds? This simple and inexpensive method of marketing your website is gaining popularity, and is now visible as a content provider will only mean greater profitability in the future.


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