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My Second Income Stream

Started by topeona, 2016-06-29 18:27

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I have heard so much about MLM (Multi-level Marketing) businesses and there opportunities, so much so that I rebuff everyone that attempts to preach, sell, narrate, or "paraphrase" anything that had to do with networking. All I ever believed about them was that, one won't actually progress through a stage, not until one sells one drug or the other at an expensive price rate.

But as I exposed myself more to the internet business, especially networking, I found out that this perception about networking isn't just about selling or promoting drugs actually. I discovered that a lot of multinational companies or organizations abroad have tapped into the multi-level marketing system, beyond the way we feel or averagely understand it here. Then again, I wondered why our own private, health, financial organizations and so forth have not maximally utilized this useful strategy yet. The answer wasn't too far fetched from my mind - Quickly, I thought it's just because we are Nigerians and we don't take opportunities.

After a careful research, I found out still that most MLMs are genuine but some were not strategically planned out to meet people's financial capabilities, and some looks too good to be true (please make careful research so you don't fall for these).

I shut the door to so many networking businesses that knocked on my door by my friend Janet Kaatyo (who is now intimidating me with her ever growing streams of networking income through her whatsapp and Facebook dps). It's just over 5months now since Janet introduced her last network opportunity to me and I declined. Now, I think to myself, with the way the economy is dwindling and employers trying to cut cost by surprising their employees with "shock letters"; and also remembering once when I went broke, and I thought I was loved by everybody, I had the shock of my life for about 2weeks when almost everyone I asked for money told me they were broke too except for one or two friends and family.

Not everybody will be laid off and not everyone will get broke, but for once, I never believed I could go broke too because I gave out freely even to those I don't know as kind gesture.
The last account figure ($1,564 in one of her network streams) Janet used as a display picture intrigued my action at last to join a networking team. Shame wouldn't let me at first, but I don't want to fall into a wrong Network or MLM, she knows the ones that are real and genuine.

Janet mentioned about 6 different network opportunities she belongs with a total amount of less than $60, and she has gained over $1200 in the process with commitment. Asked her for one of her favorite to start with and she mentioned "Four Corners Alliance Group".
She said 4Corners may seem her favorite because of its 100% matching bonus of one's downlines, its widely acceptance in almost every part of the world, payments into one's local bank account, substantial video proofs, account proofs and testimonies to convince prospects, and its strong positive reputation over the internet.

Janet encouraged me especially with this statement and I quote "You can never lose in Four Corners Alliance, because of its forced matrix scheme which makes it a win-win situation, that is, you will enjoy the advantage of spillover from your upline in the long run even if you don't directly get signups ".
This was how I was led to my first financial eye-opener, 4Corners, and I can tell you it's been working wonders. You won't regret you did.

N.B:- I promise to refund 99.9% of your money in full fold if you think this is scam.

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