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New Strategy On How To Slash Your Pay-Per-Click Advertising Cost By Half

Started by Perfect, 2011-09-20 11:39

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So what is Pay-Per-Click Advertising really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about Pay-Per-Click, Advertising - information you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell.

This is a simple technique that building keywords to find the maximum possible variations of a phrase. I use it mainly for bidding on keywords in Google AdWords, however, can also be very useful to create lists for use in search engine optimization.

For example we use the phrase "horses for sale". This is how the various permutations of this phrase would be. I can use the keyword tool to do this free glass.

horses for sale
horses for sale
Horses for Sale
horse sale
horses for sale
horse sale

As you can see there is a maximum of six possible ways it could be a three-word phrase entered into a search engine.

Now you have to find out if these permutations are actually being sought. This is where the Wordtracker service comes into its own. Click here for a free trial Wordtracker.

Go to Wordtracker now and in the "Keyword Universe" choose the database called "Precise".

Then in the right pane into six different combinations of keywords, and click the "Continue" button.

Wordtracker now tells us that of the six combinations, two of them appear in your database (NOTE: At the time of writing it did). They are ...

horses for sale
horse sale

You might be thinking it could have realized this for yourself. But it is vital that you understand what you need to stop second-guessing the markets and the behavior of users based on their own opinions and assumptions. The use of these tools like Wordtracker to actually tell how markets are behaving.

Sometimes I've found three four phrase permutations using this method. Phrases that seemed "stupid" if entered in the search engines ... but someone, somewhere is doing it! That's why you have to do this step and not to guess the permutations.

Sometimes search engines also enter a keyword phrase using the "space" and the "+". EG "1 2 3" can be introduced as "1 +2 +3" and also "3 +2". This is great advice if you want to use lists of keywords from Google Adwords.

So taking our example keyword phrase we will see how many permutations you can now generate.

horses for sale
horse sale

I hope that what I have read so far has been informative. The following section should go a long way toward clearing up any uncertainty that may remain.

+ + horses for sale
+ + Horse sale

+ + horses for sale
+ + Horse sale

Now let's use misspellings to get keyword combinations further. A great tool for this is misspelled keywords.

Simply enter "horses for sale" and choose from six ways to find misspellings. Search in a dictionary, keyboard errors, cutting the character first / last, the nature of trade, double characters, and ... add "s".

For this example I have selected only the "dictionary lookup" and "keyboard error". The tool returned 1360 possible combinations misspellings. If he had used all the selections, he would have gone over 8500. Only one sentence!

Now let's enter these misspellings in the Wordtracker database is accurate as we did before. The results? Wordtracker returns the following (NOTE: At the time of writing):

horses foe sale
horses fpr sale
horses for sail
horses for slae

That now became twelve new terms:

horses foe sale
horses fpr sale
horses for sail
horses for slae

horses + foe + sale
Horses fpr sale + +
hp + + to navigate
horses + for + slae

horses + foe + sale
Horses fpr sale + +
hp + + to navigate
horses + for + slae

Finally, you will want to join the words together, so "horses for sale" becomes "horsesforsale" and yes, this appeared in the Wordtracker database.

Using the method of generating keywords noted above, what started as a keyword phrase, "horses for sale" has now turned into 19 keyword phrases you can use in Google Adwords. Phrases that are actually being used by the Internet in search engines.

So there you have it, how to build ad groups that are very focused on the key phrase you want to bid.

You can not predict when knowing something more about Pay-Per-Click is very useful. I wish this will benefit you greatly.

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