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Non Reciprocal Link Building

Started by Mature, 2012-12-11 08:53

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What is Non Reciprocal Link Building?

Link popularity is the most important internet marketing tool for you. Building outbound links, inbound links or non reciprocal link building is the prime aspect for you to popularize your links. The non reciprocal link building directly boosts up targeted traffic on your website(s) and, thus, simply generates more business for you. In fact, one way non reciprocal links are responsible for effective SEO operations.

So, it becomes all the more important for you to know about non reciprocal links in detail. Read on to know it.

First things first, what is link popularity?
In the simple terms, link popularity can be defined as the number of websites linking to one website. You can check the link popularity of your website(s) with the help of search engines or some link popularity software. There are actually three types of links: inbound links, outgoing links and reciprocal links. The reciprocal links are the links exchanged between the two sites. Outgoing links are the links of other web masters on your websites. The inbound links are called non reciprocal links. They are also known as the one way links.

Non reciprocal link building: Why it is the most important?
The non reciprocal link building is the process of getting the other websites to mention your links. And you do not even have to link back to these websites. And now the natural question that might be cropping in your mind would be why do you need to build non reciprocal links?

The answer to this question is straight and direct. As these links are one way, they are based on the fact that these links are "useful" to the visitors. The links provide information, article and knowledge to the users. Thus, these links add credibility to your website. Even the search engines base their ranking more on the basis of one way non reciprocal links. Thus, the number of non reciprocal links for your website plays a great role in determining the exact position of your website.

Now to build these one way links, you need to make your site well enticing to the other sites. They must feel that the links to the content on your site will attract the traffic. So your website should provide necessary content or information. Even if you need to spend some money or time in getting quality content made, the deal is worth making.

You can also get free articles from a number of sites to publish on your website(s). Similarly, you can get your articles published on the others' web sites as well. Web directories and ezines are also a place to get your website noticed. Always mention your link at the end of the articles. Always make sure that the directory you are submitting links to, is related to your business circuit.

Joining discussion forums is also an effective way of non reciprocal link building. The forums publish your articles and help you get the feed back from the readers. A numbers of sites search for the forums to find out the websites publishing good articles. Some forums allow you to mention your signature as well.

Now it would be clear to you that non reciprocal link building raise your link popularity to newer heights. So go ahead and start working in this direction today.
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