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Online Digital Marketing Planning for Organization or Company

Started by AdHang, 2015-07-17 19:49

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In this Digital marketing planning article Ad Hang (digital marketing agency) explained in detail a digital marketing planning; the digital marketing planning will help your organization or company in planning and executing effective online digital marketing campaigns.

So lets start:

In planning your digital marketing first thing is the segment you want to direct your digital marketing activities to; these are consumers or businesses your digital marketing planning is to address. For example in the segment of our digital marketing services are government, event organizers, public figures and corporate bodies.

Next your digital marketing is the "Personas" (don't confuse personas with segment, personas complement segment) these are people that have common background; are a set of fictional, representative user archetypes based on the behaviors, attitudes etc.  For example in our target personas are: managing directors, director of marketing, CEO, company chairman, COO and director of sales.

Objectives in your digital marketing planning should include objectives your organization wants to achieve with their digital marketing planning; this will serve as a compass for the least of the actions in the digital marketing planning of the organization. Company can have one or multiple digital marketing objectives such as brand awareness, educating the target audience, leads acquisition, clients retention etc.
For example objective of writing this article is for further establishing itself as an expert in digital marketing field.

Situation analysis is the foundation of a digital marketing planning. This includes a thorough examination of internal and external factors that can affect your online digital marketing campaigns responses. It creates an overview of the organization's customers, competitors, market and competencies which will enable the organization understands factors that can influence its future and make an inform decisions.

Goal is one of important aspects of digital marketing planning, it helps you to be specific on what you want to accomplish with your objectives, you can have one or multiple goals for example 1000 subscribers in three months, 2000 ticket purchase in twenty days, increase sales by 40% in twelve months etc.

Budget in digital marketing planning brings about how much you want to spend or the type of budget to achieve your digital marketing goals. How serious, aggressive and important digital marketing goals are to the organization are major determinant of the digital marketing budget. You can have dollar budget e.g. $2000 a month or percentage budget e.g. 10% of monthly profits.

Strategy in digital marketing planning helps you to achieve your goals, in digital marketing there are at least five components of digital marketing your company strategy can include such as online content marketing, online search marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing and online display advert. In digital marketing plans in our website we ensure that we include these entire components in digital marketing strategy for clients. Ad Hang digital marketing activities are designed to run this way.

Tactics is part of digital marketing planning, because all the above can't exist in isolation. Tactics are what you use to achieve your strategy; you can always change the way you use your tactics if you're not getting the kind of result you want to achieve with your strategy example of tactics/tools in digital marketing are article, videos, pictures/image, ebook/pdf, online banner, text message, email, newsletter, online slide presentation etc.

Channels/PlatformS, in digital marketing planning you can't talk about digital marketing without talking about platformS to use (in marketing field they're commonly referred to as channels). There are many channels out there, also understand that popularity doesn't mean effective, examples of channels are youtube, (African regional online open forum), google, yahoo, (Africa's region social networking website), facebook,, linkedin etc.

Scheduling is one of important aspects of digital marketing planning. For example, government might have different scheduling from corporate bodies, while event organizers and pubic figures will have different digital marketing scheduling. Digital marketing scheduling methods are continuity, flighting or pulsing (In continuity, the advertisement runs steadily with little variation over the campaign period. Flighting involves intermittent and irregular periods of advertising alternating with shorter periods of no advertising during the campaign while pulsing combines the attributes of continuity and flighting by employing low advertising years round and heavy advertising during peak selling period).

Executor is the in-house-person or digital marketing agency or both that will carry out all the digital marketing planning. The organization can have in-house person sending email marketing, respond to social media participants, news letter; while the organization hand over main digital marketing activities to digital marketing agency such as for Online banners display and designs, content marketing, video creation and marketing, article marketing, online contextual advertising, search engine ads display, press release writing and distribution, online digital marketing activities monitoring, analyzing and statistic etc. The executor put the digital marketing plan to work by implementation of the plan i.e. putting the plan to work for the organization.

Control ensures that the online digital marketing activities are heading in the direction of organization's expectation or as planned. This involves gathering of data, analyzing the data and measuring the digital marketing activities using the organization's key performance indicators. Then if need be, modifying some tools e.g. online display banners, keywords; repositioning contents, optimizing etc
AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


If you have any question regarding Online Digital Marketing Planning for organization, institution, business or company, you can ask in this thread by clicking reply. will try its best to answer your question and give you guide as regard to  online digital marketing planning.
AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on

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