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So You Want To Make Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Campaigns?

Started by Webm, 2011-11-11 17:14

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Everyone wants to earn $ 300 per day or more with their AdWords campaigns. You've started a few campaigns, spent a few dollars, and now you're wondering - "Where is the reward"

There is no secret to AdWords success. Like anything, joining the big leagues of AdWords profits means you must put in the hours. In this case, key working hours.

Extensive keyword research

There are literally thousands of keywords for each industry. By advertising a thousand or more keywords that will greatly increase your chance of getting clicks a cheaper rate.

Consider the following:

A campaign: Your AdWords campaign has only 4 keywords. These keywords are the most popular keywords for your industry. The average CPC is $ 1. These keywords are searched one day in 6000. His campaign is to get a 2% CTR which means your getting $ 120 clicks at a total cost of $ 120.

Campaign B: You research and bid on 2000 keywords. The average CPC is 0.10 These 2000 keywords also receive 6000 search queries a day. Again, with a 2% CTR, your campaign is delivering 120 visitors. But instead of paying $ 120 as in Campaign A, to pay only $ 12.

Obviously, Campaign B is the most powerful campaign. Campaign B is saving $ 108 per day, $ 3,600 per month and $ 43,200 per year. The difference in ROI is amazing.

Remember, the difference between the two campaigns was in the key words. A campaign had a few popular keywords. Campaign B containing 2000 keywords. The keywords in Campaign B are less popular, resulting in a cheap CPC for you.

Finding keywords for your PPC campaigns

Now you know the importance of extensive keyword research before beginning an AdWords campaign. But how do you get a long list of specific keywords. Here's how:

The simplest and easiest way to get good keywords is to think long and hard. "Yes, I will have 50 words" you say "Need more keywords Try these tools.?;


The happy hunting keywords. You can never have too many keywords. Just remember with each keyword you are increasing your ROI. Istn't and what's it all about?

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