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The Secret To Working From Home

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-30 08:45

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At this point, you've probably heard about "The Secret." Oprah Winfrey and Larry King have interviewed people who contributed to the creation of "The Secret" DVD and book.

So if you do not know what "The Secret" is that I'll say. "The Secret" is the "law of attraction." This means that whatever happens, good or bad, is because they are attracted by your thoughts. In other words, you attract what you think about most. For example, if you think you're going to fail at something, most likely. These thoughts cause our feelings also. So if we think negatively, will also feel well. This attracts more negative experiences and more negative people in our lives. But if we feel good, we will attract more things that make us feel good. Therefore, what they are thinking and feeling today is creating your current and future situations. Unfortunately, what most people do not realize is that what they are thinking more about what they do not want.

Now, you may wonder what this has to do with his life. The answer is that you can control the destiny of your life, instead of events controlling you life. So if your goal is to be a work homemaker, is a way to do this. Instead of thinking you have to go to work not like it, start thinking about what you want. Stop focusing on what you do not want. So I think what you want, and has come to pass, though not yet know how. Then imagine how it would feel to be a success working housewife. Focus on the feeling of walking off the job and what it's like to attend the first day of your preschooler, for example.

Another important concept is that you need to take an "attitude of gratitude" in being thankful for what we already have. Until this occurs, the creators of "The Secret" say that nothing new can come into your life. You need to see your past as a positive experience of the things learned before moving on to meet their goals and dreams. This is especially true if you have tried other activities with household work were unsuccessful.

Quoted by James Ray to be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, "Success is when one lives with the gifts and talents within yourself."

In short, success is not for the elite. Is for everyone. And if your dream is to work from home, you can too by applying the principles of "The Secret."


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