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Ways Blogging Can Help Your Business

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-04 11:14

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Not long ago, a diary was something very personal - a journal of thoughts and observations, kept locked and often buried in a dresser drawer.

The Web has a way of changing things. Now, a journal of thoughts, observations and insight - posted on the Internet - may be a way to boost your business.

Web logs or "blogs" as they are known, have become a way to engage readers and potential customers of businesses big and small.

A blog is a journal published on a Web site, updated regularly and contains news, opinions, ideas, and brainstorm. It could also be related to other sources of information, other websites and other blogs.

Many posts double-edged, inviting readers to send comments on what they see. While that can be applied to everything from sports and entertainment, can also generate interest - and, ultimately, income - for your business.

No, blogs are not for everyone. But seeing how they can comply with these five basic business objectives.

1. Exposing a little-known or new product or idea

For Grant Smith, blogging makes a world of sense in a number of levels. Smith operates a business that provides streaming video e-mail and communications related to video products. Because many potential customers may know little about video e-mail, Smith says his blog is a natural way to provide more details.

"I started blogging to settle in the technology," says Smith. "You can have a positive impact on business. Readers are always looking for more ways to find information about companies and how they interact. "

That, in turn, can lead to a more informed customer and sales process more effective time. Instead of taking the time to launch your product or service to a customer who does not need it, a blog that impersonates a source of information. If a prospect contacts you, that's great. If not, you have wasted time in explaining something that does not generate anything in return.

2. Improve your search engine ranking

Blogging also puts you in touch with prospects in other ways. Like any company with a position on the Internet account, Web site visitors that come through Google, MSN and other search engines may provide multiple tracks. Blogs can add to the frequency with which search vehicles identify you and your company, especially if your blog allows readers to post a reply.

If done properly, blogs have a huge advantage over search engines, according to Brad Fallon, President of SEO Research, a marketing firm search engine. "With blogs that allow comments, every new post and every comment becomes an additional Web page filled with additional keywords to be picked up by search engine spiders," he says.

3. Position yourself as an expert in a particular sector or area

Blogs also can prove an effective marketing tool to establish itself as an authority in your field. Not only that can generate leads, but also sends a positive message about their credentials through the market and also gives your business a face and a personality.

4. The influence of public opinion

Blogging also allows users to bypass traditional journalistic venues and, indeed, become a publisher of his own thoughts and views. Steve Rubel, vice president of customer services in a public relations firm, blogs are also fast becoming a powerful influence on public opinion.

"Blogs have become a legitimate alternative news sources on specialized topics and micro-niche," says Rubel. "Anyone with a passion and dedication could become an amateur journalist I feel some of these sites. - Overall - are having so much influence in the larger public, marks of more established media. "

5. Participate in a forum openly with their customers

Just as important, blogs that solicit comments from the readers can provide a sense of immediacy with your customers. In a sense, that is a source of information about what you are doing well and what needs to improve.

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