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Why some people should lower their Google Adwords click through rates

Started by Perfect, 2011-11-27 13:45

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 Once you've started your Google AdWords campaign and chosen a large set of keywords, your ads may still need some work. No matter how relevant are the keywords, your campaign needs to attract potential customers, not just the applicants present.

This seems to be an area that most PPC marketers fall into. With all this talk about click rate, people lose the most important issue: the clicks are next to nothing if not converted into sales. In fact, even useless - you lose money. Return on investment is what matters, and everything else is subordinate to that, even (perhaps especially) how people click your ads.

So how do we address the customers' purchasing and disposing of the undecided click hungry? Well, there are several strategies that I use, and ensure I have good overall performance of my clicks.

First, pay close attention to your keywords. For the great, the broader the keyword, the higher the probability of chance no buyers by clicking on your ad and costing you money. For example, someone searching for "Adwords" might want to access your AdWords account, you may search for free content, or it could be killing time.

Contrast this with a very specific keyword such as "buy Adwords e-book". Well, there's no comparison, the second tends to make ten times the speed of the first keyword, more generally - but people tend to pay the same for each keyword. I do not know if it's because no one follows your conversions correctly anymore, but in any case does not fall into the trap of believing that all keywords are created equal.

If you are a merchant and set up conversion tracking for Adwords, pay close attention to their sales are coming from. The truth may surprise you.

Second, add "free" as a negative keyword to your campaign - this will reduce the undecided evident even before having the opportunity to click on our ads.

A third possible strategy is to put a price on the announcement, possibly in the title, for example, "super new gadget only $ 50." However, I do not like this method too - the reason is that the freebie hunters will click any case, be deterred many potential buyers to click (editors make their price many as invisible as possible in the letter of sales, so they announce before you even have read the benefits?)

What we are doing instead is a subtle reference to the fact that information comes with a price tag, with a word like "cheap", "low cost", "cheap," "limited offer", "price discount ", etc. This tends to not only deter hardcore freebie hunters, but will actually limit the potential buyers curious and more willing to read the sales letter. And that can only be a good thing.

Remember, click through rate is important, but only if people who click to buy are. If not, it would be best to pause your campaign and try a more lenient method of advertising.

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