bo A Pastor stopped at the traffic light and three hawkers
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Author Topic: A Pastor stopped at the traffic light and three hawkers  (Read 1240 times)

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Offline ogboso

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A  pastor stopped at the traffic light and three hawkers - an apple seller, a bread seller, and a yam seller - approached him with their wares.

Pastor: Apple seller, give me one quotation in the Bible where apple is mentioned and I'll buy.

Apple seller: The Bible said you are the apple of my eyes...

Pastor: Good! I'll buy N1,000 worth of apples from you!!!

Pastor: Bread seller, give me a Bible quotation with bread and I'll buy.

Bread seller: Jesus said I am the Bread of life.

Pastor: Very good! Give me N1,000 worth of bread!

Pastor: Yam seller, give me one Bible quotation with yam and I'll buy from you.

Yam seller: Jesus said I yam that I yam.

As you're smiling now, so shall you smile till the end of this year and beyond in Jesus' name. Amen.
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