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Jonny the wise boy

Started by Prince james C. Inyogu, 2010-01-24 20:44

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Prince james C. Inyogu

Johnny is a very wise and
funny young boy and a good
listener too.
One day his teacher gave
the class a test like this:
a) 7+5=
b) 19-8=
c) 8+8=
And Johnny wrote his
a) 7+5= Jesus
b) 19-8= Jesus
c) 8+8= Jesus
After marking the test the
teacher quite amused called
Johnny and said: 'Can you
please explain to the class
how you got
your answers '
Johnny stood up, smiled and
said: 'That's very simple.  In
Bible school we've learnt
that Jesus is the answer. '
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


Holy Guy!!!!!!!!!! you go kill us


Prince james C. Inyogu

They are one of my natural talents
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

They are one of my natural talents
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


With what I have been seen I don't need a book to tell me that is your talent.


Quote from: Holyguy on 2010-01-25 17:51
They are one of my natural talents
No wonder  Perfect made you moderator here
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