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No Madam

Started by Prince james C. Inyogu, 2011-10-21 20:07

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Prince james C. Inyogu

Wife was sure dat her husband was
having sex wit their house girl, so
she laid a trap for him. one evening
she suddenly sent the maid to her
home 4 wikend without infoming
her husband .She latter went on and
sleep on the maid's bed and She
switched off d lights.Suddenly, He
came in and silently he wasted no
time on words but quickly jumped
on her and sex her vigourously..
When he finished, wife said u didnt
xpect me in dis bed, did u? &
switched d lights on. No madam
replied there gateman!
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still



Prince james C. Inyogu

wrong target
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


It serves her better, next time she won't use tricks.


Wife tracking the husy, laughs! She can devise another means


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