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Nothing for little Jonny

Started by Prince james C. Inyogu, 2011-06-23 20:06

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Prince james C. Inyogu

While playing in the backyard,
Little Johnny kills a honeybee. His
father sees him killing the honeybee
and angrily says, "No honey for you
for one month!"
Later that afternoon, Johnny's dad
catches him tearing the wings off a
butterfly. "That's it! No butter for
you for one month!" says his dad.
Later that evening as Johnny's
mother cooks dinner, a cockroach
run across the kitchen floor. She
jumps and stomps on it, and then
looks up to find Little Johnny and
her husband watching her.
Little Johnny looks at his father and
says, "Are you going to tell her,
Dad, or do you want me to?"
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still



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