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P square

Started by Prince james C. Inyogu, 2014-05-10 18:59

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Prince james C. Inyogu

I urge psquare to deal with each other PERSONALLY and not let their BEAUTIFUL ONYIYE'S to scatter them, although E NO EASY but they should try not to involve in any BIZZY BODY because it will only lead to more DANGER and their fans will no longer be able to dance ALINGO again. STAND UP to each other and sort it out, you guys need to be MORE THAN A FRIEND to each other now and ignore the TEMPTATION of parting ways, but per adventure it still doesn't work out well, then it's GAME OVER. but I do hope that they settle their differences and give us a TESTIMONY!!!!!!!!!!
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

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