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Photo.. Drug Addict Sexually Assaults 101 Year Old Woman

Started by onomesandra, 2016-08-06 12:37

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A drug addict sexually assaulted a 101-year-old woman after breaking into her home.Samuel Cooper, 27, broke into the woman's home to look for cash to buy drugs after a night of drinking at a pub.

Samuel Cooper, 27, broke into the pensioner's home after a night at a pub to steal cash in order to buy drugs.

He attacked the woman while she was lying in bed, causing damage to her shoulders, cuts and "exacerbating the arthritis" in both her knees.

Southampton Crown Court was told Cooper 'upended' the victim 'in order to make it easier' to attack her, and he did so by moving her legs before molesting her.
The court was told he then tried to 'cover his tracks' using antibacterial cleaner Dettol.
The pensioner, who cannot be named for legal reasons, provided an interview via video link to the court while she was recovering from the attack. Continue reading at:


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